I can't understand WHY anyone would vote...

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crponies - Great post - I would love to know the research on that also.

Marty and Cimarron - I just do NOT get a good feeling from Obama. Besides the fact, I am against a lot of what he says he is for - something about him I can't explain - I just do not trust.

Sonya - Thank you for explaining far better than I could - what my point was for this thread.
I think it is silly to vote on someone based on their name just as it would be to base your decision on the color of their skin. Those two things have nothing to do with my decision. LowRise, thank you for being willing to look into it deeper. I am not quite sure where to look or what information out there is actually trustworthy. People can put anything they want online.

Interesting post, Mary Lou. I love how they mudsling at each other for mudslinging.
I'll be glad when this election is over. The campaign has been going on since the last one was over it seems, and I for one am tired of it!
I think politicians take a page out of gossip rags. Morals are out of commercials now, seems that they dont have to tell truths, so long as there is a smige of truth, that is all that matters. Even worse are the ignorant emails. People read them and forget to think for themselves. The email does what it was meant to do, cast doubt. Doesnt matter if there is truth there either. People are smart enough to ralize that email showing the shark jumping after the helicopter is fake, but not smart enough to think that maybe that one about so and so, is just as fake.

So, here we have an election about the most important job for our Country, based on stupid emails, ignorant commercials and party lines. No one thinks, no one actually listens and hears what people say. They only hear or read, what they want. So sad.
Barack Hussein Obama just does not sound American as apple pie to me.
I just don't trust this whole thing. It smells way too fishy to me.
Wow, what a ignorant statement.
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama's spokesman on Saturday accused Sen. John McCain of "cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history."
The mere fact that Obama's spokesman finds the need to make this statement seems to me that the McCain campaign is working.

Look back to the early days when Obama was running against all of the Democratic candidats. His speeches seemed very well scripted and very well presented. He captured a whole new audience. Since the end of the two National Conventions he has gone way to far on the defensive. He at the moment seems to be totally off message. I believe that the longer he stays on the defensive and off message and the closer it gets to election day the less time he will have to get his message out. (ed; works for me)

As most of you know I am a conservative and not a liberal so I wouldn't be sucked in by his message no matter how well he can present it. Obama's voting record in the Senate shows him to be the most liberal member of the Senate. As a conservative that really bothers me. (ed; Jill was it you that posted a link to the senators voting records?)

But what is really bothering me now is that if he can't handle the McCain campaign now how is he going to be able to handle the rest of the world once he gets into the Oval Office. If the words of the McCain campaign rattle him how is he going to handle the deeds of the world extreemists. Is he going to sit in his Oval Office and complain about how mean they are to us and they are waging a bad campaign against us, or wait, maybe he will insist that they sit down and debate with him. Meanwhile the extreemists stay on message.
The only thing that I can say is that I can not in all reality vote for someone that will not support the values and ideals of the american people and that starts with showing respect to our flag and our soldiers PERIOD.
I honestly dont know at this point who I will vote for. I do know it WILL NOT be McCain.
I cant vote for somebody who thinks I am less of a person then the dirt on the bottom of their shoes.
Ashley, have you considered checking into the Log Cabin Republicans?

Here is a link that might help you.

(Neil -- I'm not sure if that's one of the links I shared but it's one I have seen. I'm trying to find it now.)

I'd actually been avoiding this thread, and only skimmed some posts... knowing it has the potential to REALLY fire me up and just wasn't feeling like feeling that way (I mean, any more than I do on my own) this weekend.

Probably everyone knows I'm a Republican and I sincerely support and am behind the McCain / Palin ticked 100%. I am more liberal on some issues (examples: gay marriage and pro-choice) than the ticket but on the issues that really matter the most to ME, it is just so much a no brainer to vote McCain / Palin.

It is hard for me to understand how a person who is informed could feel any other way. I do know that sounds obnoxious, one reason I've avoided this thread, but it's how I feel. I just personally cannot understand why an informed American, a thinking American, would cast his or her vote for Obama.



* my political thread disclaimer: People who are citizens of other Nations have every right to say what they wish about our United States politics. However it is my choice not to entertain a debate about such with people who are not US Citizens. It's my feeling that people who are not United States citizens are not in a position to truly know what is best for our Nation, what it's like to be a US Citizen, nor to care as deeply as I do about our Nation's political future.
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This thread was started by Lisa to ask why people in the U.S. were voting for Obama. She wanted to hear some reasons. Others asked why people who had voiced that Obama was their choice in other threads were not answering in this thread. It is quite plain to see the reason why they aren't taking the bait because once again we have posters using this thread to say why they are not voting for him. The thread would have been better titled why are you voting for Obama or why are you voting for McCain with a stipulation of no mud slinging, no emotional reasons (because his name is not american), etc. etc. One poster (mininik) feels the way I do about that one statement and some of the same kind of statements that are in this thread and other, s. When I voice my opinion about these statement I was basically labelled anti-American which is so pathetically untrue. I like many other Canadians, have family living in the U.S. (mom's brother has been living in NY for over 50 years and is an American citizen, one of my dad's sister's live in Arizona and is American).... Careful Mininik you may end up being labeled unpatriotic. As a Canadian I can not vote for either candidate but I tend to agree with the pundits that the nastiness of this electoral campaign is by far the worse I have ever seen. Hopefully people can now get past this and truly start looking at issues only and decide from those and only those and leave all the other stuff behind. Last night, during my longgggggggggggg mare stare I was watching CNN and they had various people speaking and debating... they showed a clip of a gentleman and I truly was shocked especially in this day and age... the gentleman (and I use that term very losely) "I am a good old boy from the south and I just can't vote for a black man"
. I know he is not the majority who think this way but it was a real eye opener for me, call me naive I guess, but I thought society as a whole had gotten past these kind of prejudices. If he would have said I can't vote for him because he doesn't have enough experience for me, or I don't like his tax proposal.... but no. If I had this man in front of me I would have called him a racist to his face. I probably would have gotten myself punched out but oh well, lol.

Neil, I don't think that Obama's spokerperson who made the comment you quoted is worried. I truly think that he feels that this campaign needs to start focusing on what should be important to the U.S. Not the color of skin, not peoples names, not their gender. The other thing that was said during this show I watched is that people will for the first time indeed be voting with their emotions. I sure hope not.

I wonder how many wouldn't vote for someone lets say who's last name was lets say "Manson" as you might say - he/she is perhaps linked to a serial killer or has the potential to be. Bush may have sounded like American Apple Pie but he was anything but sweet, he almost ruined your country and made it bankrupt. Whoever wins your election, they will have a difficult time paying off the massive debt without raising taxes unless they are going to just get a magicians hat and pull it out, "nothing up my sleeve, presto".

various polls
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Mary Lou - First I want to thank you for letting us debate such a serious issue on the forum.

I also, want you to know I was not ignoring your post - we must have been typing at the same time.

Ok - I hope Mary Lou or noone takes this disrespectful. But, in the speech that Mary Lou posted - please do not tell me it is the comedy show "Saturday Night Live" because in my eyes - Obama made it sound like it was a " sacrifice" to cancel " Saturday Night Live" for something that is going on in USA that is so important. " Saturday Night Live" was brought up several times. To me - no comparison - I could understand maybe explaining once about canceling the show, but that is it.

When I say I am not voting for Obama it has nothing to do with his skin color or his name.

I will say that it is natural to see heated discussions when it comes to political debates.

The only " mudslinging" I have really seen that bothers me is the post from - mininik - Marty and others can speak how they feel without being called "ignorant". It is our right - remember FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

If your only reason to post is call someone names like that I would rather not see it posted.

For sunrise minis - THANK YOU for explaining your reasoning for voting for Obama.

To Jill, Neil, and a few others - I don't mind a debate - I am also not voting for Obama and I have seen a lot of links, etc. posted in " both" thread that just let me know my VOTE is going to the right people...McCain/Palin

Maybe it is just " ME" - BUT, I am seeing very few post that say WHY that Obama would be good for our country. People took the time to say " why" McCain was not - Why can't they take the time to say whey Obama is?

Unless I am missing something - I CAN NOT wrap my brain around why some people will be voting for Obama.
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Well there it goes..I think Obama is a heck of a good speaker..he has carissma and is very "cool" and thoughtful on what he says..

But for me its what he says..not How he says it..
Freedom of speech applies to all, it has no boundaries nor should it be applied to some and not others.
I think Obama is a heck of a good speaker..he has carissma and is very "cool" and thoughtful on what he says..

But for me its what he says..not How he says it.

Oh wait, someone already said that.
I think Obama is a heck of a good speaker..he has carissma and is very "cool" and thoughtful on what he says..But for me its what he says..not How he says it.

Oh wait, someone already said that.
OH No..who?? You?? You must be my soulmate than..
And here's some of the other guys record, he voted against equal pay for women, didn't he? I may be wrong. Everything he has been voting against for many years he's now suddenly for?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Truth About John McCains " RECORD "

Here’s the truth about Mc Cains record

-IMMIGRATION: he wrote the bill granting amnesty to illegal immigrants (co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy)

-SOCIAL SECURITY: he voted to give your social security money to illegal immigrants

-TAXES: he voted against the Bush tax cuts multiple times (he has since flip-flopped and has campaigned as a lifelong tax-cutter)

-RHETORIC: he routinely engages in Democratic class warfare against big companies in America, particularly the “evil” drug companies who research cures to debilitating diseases for a profit

-ECONOMY: as recently as December 2007 he admitted “he does not know the economy very well” and needed to get better at it

-1ST AMENDMENT: he wrote the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill that was declared to be an unconstitutional infringement of the 1st Amendment (co-sponsored by ultra-liberal Democrat Russ Feingold)

-2ND AMENDMENT: he was called the “worst 2nd amendment candidate” by the president of the NRA

-EQUAL PROTECTION: lifelong supporter of affirmative action

-ENERGY TAX: wrote a bill (co-sponsored by his buddy Lieberman) imposing a massive tax on energy which, according to the Department of Energy, would drastically raise the price of gasoline and put 300,000 Americans out of work

-GLOBAL WARMING: supports radical global warming legislation which involved him voting with every Democrat; think only America is responsible to take action, not other superpowers

-JUDGES: he joined forces with Democrats (Gang of 14) to block the Senate Republican’s attempt to confirm conservative, strict constructionist judges; also said Alito was too conservative for his liking

-WAR ON TERROR: fought with Hillary Clinton to demand that terrorists be given a full American trial

-GAY MARRIAGE: he joined liberals to fight against a federal marriage amendment supporting the institution of traditional marriage

-CHRISTIANS: campaigning in 2000, he famously described Christian leaders as “agents of intolerance”

-PRO-LIFE: he filed an amicus brief against pro-life advocates in Wisconsin

-BI-PARTISANSHIP: he met with leading Democrats in 2004 to discuss the possibility of being John Kerry’s Vice-President; publicly considered leaving the Republican Party in 2001 after he lost the primary

-INTELLECT: finished 894 out of 899 in his class in the Naval Academy.

-PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: ringleader of the infamous Keating 5 ethical scandal which cost US tax payers $160 billion (Google it)

-PERSONAL ETHICS: McCain cheated on his first wife after she had a severe accident that left her partially disabled. He then divorced her and married his multi-millionaire mistress, whose daddy bought McCain a spot in the Congress

Posted by Harley at 11:55 AM

I like that Obama wants to help lower and middle class people and that's not $250,000 income a yr in my eyes. I think it's to be admired that after graduating form Harvard, he chose to help the low income people instead of taking a high paying job. I think it's time that someone finds a way for health care reform, I believe he will try to get this through, I believe that he really believes that he can make a great difference in our country, I like his policies on energy, I like his views on most things, not all things. I'll still watch the debates, I think it should be interesting. Now no one has to come back and bash me, my head is still sore from having a few people try to bite it off after the last post that I started. But I'm sure their'll be a few and I already know who they are.
Marnie's, your post is very interesting....and I am not bashing you at all or anyone for that matter, but almost everyone of those items, I can find a link/article/whatever that says differently, I guess it's all in what you choose to believe or what you read and where....You posted tons about what you don't like about McCain or things you felt he's done/will do that are wrong, what about Obama on those same issues...McCain is not the one in question in this post, I know you don't like him that's no secret, that was all hashed out in the other post. Other than that little tiny paragraph about how you think Obama can make a change in America, what else can you say about him?...I want to know why you WANT to vote for Obama.... not why you WILL NOT vote for McCain.

I'm trying to understand....maybe someone could sway my vote, if they could show me why and how...I admit a while back I looked at this election as voting for "the lesser of the two evils", but since I've researched more, I've changed my mind. I feel I am voting for the best candidate now, not the lesser of the two evils, which is very refreshing.
Well, you didn't think I'd be on the old white guys site, did you?? I believe everything here!

Edited to say "Christine, this is just for you, I do, I do like old wrinkled white guys, Nates one, he's 69 yrs old and I'd rather have him than a young hunk any day -- I still need fences built!"
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