Well-Known Member
Sorry I have been hidding in the bushes so to speak here lately. I have been busy. I decided it would be in my lil family's best intrest to work again. Not that I am doing too much. I work at two different horse farms cleaning pens and being like the whole horse sitter. Its alil tough on the body cleaning up after 13 big horses... I have also been pretty busy showing locally. So between it all its been nuts and not to mention Lexi's 1st Birthday is coming up so I am trying to get something together for her. Its amazing that time has gone by so fast. I am sure it only gets worse. Anyhow, I went to the doc today because my shoulder was bothering me. Turns out I have pulled a couple muscles and now I am stuck resting at home with only a couple pain meds and can't work for awhile... I have been watching alot of the posts that have been going lately just haven't been able to respond too much. I have been able to get a few cool things done. I am having a stall banner made finally and I got business cards already done and here at home.
They turned out great. I should be getting a jacket made too.
So things are coming along well. Looking to maybe upgrade our trailer one of these days and maybe just maybe try our hand at a stallion since our last one came out double cryptorchird. Anyhow just wanted to wish all those National and World bound contenders the best of luck and we all cant wait to see pics.