I hate stupid people !!!!!

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Makes me sick
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I thought the article said the 152....this is not a big highway, this is a very dangerous 2 lane winding road, I have driven it last year to go to the Area 7 show, this is a very dangerous road and there are MANY areas that you can not safely pull over, there are many areas that you pray no on coming traffic is coming especially if you have a trailer!

I thought the article said the 152....this is not a big highway, this is a very dangerous 2 lane winding road, I have driven it last year to go to the Area 7 show, this is a very dangerous road and there are MANY areas that you can not safely pull over, there are many areas that you pray no on coming traffic is coming especially if you have a trailer!
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VERY well said Jean H and please tell your friend that I personally send my deepest and heartfelt condolences to him and all his clients. What a horrible tragedy. Hugs to all involved.
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My farrier was telling me about this today. He is "the" farrier in our area for Saddlebreds, Morgans, Hackneys, etc. He too knows this man personally and described him as a very well respected, knowlegeable horseman. He felt very bad for him as he stated the loss would be devastating to him.

I also have had things happen to me that had I known the outcome I would have done them differently and I am sure this is one of those instances of shoulda, woulda, coulda, and a whole pile of second guessing. I think we all have had something happen to us that we wish we could do over.

I feel awful about this, I have learned something from it, and my heart goes out to this man and the guilt he must be feeling right now. I cant even imagine how I would feel.
Thank you Jean for beating me to it, I just found out who it was and all I can say is wow, I'm in shock. I'm fighting back the tears. I can't imagine what they're going through. That was one of the biggest, most well known breeders/trainers this side of the country. He's nice, loves and cares for all his horses. Probably more horse experience than alot of you. Until your in a situation like that, you cannot say you'd do this or that differently, whose to say you see the smoke, whose to say you have any idea something serious is going on. I hope no one else has any accidents, because then someone will start talking about how stupid you are
I do think that the newspapers play into how people react to hearing it. The article posted in the local newspaper made this man sound very negligent. It's a relief to know that the horses didn't die because someone just didn't care enough to stop. If he is the type of man you guys say he is then I am sure he must be so distraught over the whole thing
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You know, sometimes things just happen so quickly that they are totally out of your control. It is not a matter of being "stupid", an "idiot", "uncaring", "never should have horses". Show some compassion instead of making ignorant accusations. I just hope that none of you ever have to go through something like this.
I agree also Jean. If he went 5-7 more miles it was what - 5-7 minutes? At 5:03 AM was it even daylight? If there was any dust it could have easily camouflaged the smoke, and it's also possible it was going right out the back.

I absolutely WOULD NOT pull over in a remote area no matter who was waving. There's too many freaks and kooks out there that prey on people. Bill Cosby's son was killed by a nut case.

My deepest sympathies to this gentleman, his family, and his clients who lost their beautiful horses.
It's sad to know you can have a tragic accident and everyone thinks you should have all your horses taken away. I don't think it's anyones right to judge when you weren't there. You heard one side of the story and jump to conclusions. Do people really think they're stupid enough to pull into a gas station if they knew they where on fire? I was just checking out show results and they've shown at 2 or 3 shows down in California before this one this year. It just breaks my heart for the trainers, the owners. I know one of the horses was owned and shown by a youth, well a teen now. I pray to God the horses died from the smoke before the flames got to them. I just saw a little article about a trailer fire taking the life of 3 horses back east last month headed to a horse show, don't know what caused it. You all can think what you want to think, but until I hear them say they knew the trailer was on fire and still continued to drive I can't blame them, I can't talk crap about them. I'm surely not going to say they're bad owners and need all their horses taken away. It just goes to show this kind of thing can happen to anyone, anytime. No matter how careful you are, you never know. Anything can happen, unfortunatley

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