I have babies!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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The first of the hedgys have arrived!

It wasnt the litter I was expecting first but that is ok. I pretty sure the other mamma is preggers just a matter of when she will have them. I havent been checking them at all as they are a animal that needs to be left completely alone while raiseing there young.

WEll this morning I hoped on here and all of a sudden I hear the unmistakeable little squeaks! Im not sure how many there are, I think 3.

Im not getting my hopes up on these ones as they are out of my mamma that starved her first litter. Im just hopeing she raises this one. If not, her breeding days will be over and she will just be a pet. She is a very good mother and doesnt eat them. However I think she is so over protective that she herself stops eating, in turn running out of milk to feed them.

SO everybody cross your fingers and toes that they make it.
Congratz!!! :aktion033:

How exciting! You can count on me for finger and toe crossing!!! LOL!!! I hope she does a good job and you have happy and healthy babies!

Good luck and post pics if you get a chance!

Too cute! I love little hedgies...
Wow, would love to see photos and I hope she takes care of them like she's supposed to.

AShley, got my toes and fingers crossed too. Hope this Mommy is extra good to her litter. You know if they do make it--we will all be waiting for pictures of the cute little critters
: Corinne
Momma(Casper) has been out eatting and drinking today so so far so good. Upon inspection in the nest when she was out, I found she only has 2 babies. Which is odd. Normally they have alot more and her last batch was 5. HOwever 2 is fine. Maybe with only 2 she will raise them up better.
Awww Congratulations!! :aktion033: these little critters are just adorable....hope they make it!
Okay, I don't know anything about hedgehogs. I take it it is live birth but do they have to push them out with all those spiney things on them?
Yes its a live birth. There quills are covered with a mucus membrain that dries after birth and the quills grow so long in the first few hours. THe quills are not hard when they are born.

They look almost like pinky mice when born. THere pink, hairless and eyes are shut. They eyes open after about a week, and after 4-6 weeks they are ready to be weaned.

She so far as I can tell had 4 babies. However one did die. It climbed out of the nest so I put her back in with a spoon. From that point im not sure if the mother pushed her back out or if she wandered out on her own as she was dead this morning. However the other 3(at least that is how many I can see) are still alive and well.

Still waiting to see if the other female is gonna have anything.

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