I have to move my barn!

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[SIZE=10pt]Oh brother.. I am so sorry for you.[/SIZE]

The neighbor with the fence... I would be sure

that fence was moved immediately. I would even

take it down myself.

This could fall under Adverse Possession.

Although it doesn't happen often, it would be in your

best interest to have the fence moved.

It is a shame that people behave like that.

That is YOUR HOME and land.

As for the barn. Some counties have different

set backs for barns and sheds.

In my county the set back for a shed is 15 feet.

The set back for a barn is 50 feet.

Please check with the county zoning office before you move

your barn. A barn is defined as a building

that houses livestock and/or hay.

I can say that there are no zoning police. If the neighbors

don't complain again, this will most likely go away.

Is there anyway to resolve this with your neighbor?

Good Luck!

What a shame you're having so much trouble. I'd certainly go after the one neighbor to get her fence moved PDQ. She started the ball rolling with her complaints about your fence and if that's how she wants to play then fair is fair, she'd better play by the same rules. We don't have the squatters rights thing here so here there'd be no loss of property no matter how long her fence sat on your land, but regardless--if your fence must be on your property then hers must be on her property as of now.

As for the barn--I'm a bit surprised that you'd get fined for not having a building permit when you didn't actually build anything. Did you call & ask if that is really right--perhaps the officials are assuming you built, and just need to have it made clear to them that this barn was moved in?

Unfortunately there are laws about where buildings can be placed. Here we don't need building permits to build agricultural buildings, but all buildings do have to be placed at least 50 feet from the property line. This law applies regardless if the building is built or moved in. It really does pay to check on the laws before erecting/moving in any structure.

Why is your neighbor being so mean about the 4' diffence in the placement of the barn? Because he can be. Perhaps he is even friends with the people on the other side of you, & he's making a fuss just because of the "problem" with her about the fence. Doesn't matter how good a friends/neighbors you thought you were before, as soon as it comes to building fences and out buildings and housing horses on the property, that seems to bring out the worst in neighbors.

As for moving your barn--that should be easy to do if you jack it up a bit & put rollers (logs? posts?) under it & then push it over. My neighbor just got finished moving a huge house that way--he started the house in one spot, then once it got it to a certain stage he pulled his trailer house out & maneuvered the new house into its place. The professional house movers were going to charge him $10000.00 to move the new house into place, so he decided to save that money & do it himself. It took him awhile, but he got it moved over and it had to be moved about 40-50 feet to the side & 15-20 feet back. In comparison, your little barn will be a snap to move!
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People can be so nasty and hurtful! I just love your little barn. I hope I don't run into a "neighbor issue" myself. The 28 acre wooded area bedind us was sold to a developer last year. I just keep praying that we can afford to move before they start putting houses back there. You are smart to "kill them with kindness". Arguing with them is just what they want. Probably really burns them up when thay can't get a rise out of you. I would stand strong on the fence issue though. After all they are the ones that made it an issue to begin with. Maybe you can even get some of your money back. Start charging them rent haa haa haa :lol: Best of luck to you. I hope it all works out so you can relax and enjoy your sweet little minis.
And OH! Silly me, I almost forgot!

Every righteous redneck pasture has to have one of these!

You should build you one too!


Marty I LOVE your suggestion!! :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin

Your fence and barn are just beautiful. Unfortunately some neighbours just like to have something to complain about

The lady who paid for a new survey after not accepting the results of yours, and didn't like the answer, got just what she deserves! My parents had the very same thing happen years ago, they were having a new path put in and the next door neighbour complained that it was partly on her driveway. They had a survey done and it turned out her driveway was a couple of feet over onto my parents property!

The other who complained about the building being 4 feet to close to his fence, well again, just very petty.

It is a shame you have to move the building, but skids would probably be the easiest. A friend of ours built similar sized sheds and actually built them attached to skids in order to be able to move them to different paddocks with a tractor if they desired.

Good luck, I hope horse ownership is nothing but happy for you from here on...
I think there has been plenty of good advice here. The 2 big issues are getting the neighbor with the fence to move it. Next item is to get your barn 10' or MORE from the other property line. As frustrating as it is Building codes and zoning are not going away. The barn you had hauled in may not need a permit in some areas but others it does. Do what you have to comply with the County as fighting with them at this point will not help after all you were turned in so to them you are in the wrong. Get back on good terms with them as you will need them on your side in the future with the neighbors unless they move really soon. Now the company that moved your barn in place for you should very well have known about the set back requirements in general unless they had no idea the property line was anywhere near where they set the barn. And the building permit as well, it usually is not their job to get one but they should have checked to see if you had one. If you think this has been an adventure wait till the neighbors discover that those cute mini horses actually poop and a fly might be present( assuming they never have seen a fly before on their property). remember the part about being on the good side with the County code enforcement.

Best of luck


How about having a realtor put your neighbors houses on the market? Just a freindly nudge to help them out!
NEIGHBORS -- they can be good and they can be BAD :new_shocked:

When I requested a conditional use permit last year for my son to put a trailer at the lower end of my farm, they were required to send notices to all property owners within XX distance. If no complaints the permit would be issued and all things could move along. Otherwise, a drawn out time of going before commities, etc. My property easily perc tested, the location was not even visible from the road, and we thought all was fine....we were within all codes, etc.

ONLY neighbor who complained was they guy who owns next door and doesn't even live there. :new_shocked: He had originally planned a sizeable house and putting in about 7-10 commercial greenhouses to the rear of that........
: ........I had known this and while I wasn't thrilled about looking out at such a venture I never, ever said anything negative. I figured some people don't like barns, either. Instead, I suggested that once set up if he was interested in manure for a compost pile I was READY :bgrin

He didn't "want to see a trailer" ! End result, it took me 5 months and over $600 for scheduling the committee meetings, paying county to advertise (required) and we were given the permit. So, I've heard through the grapevine that he is selling his property (been a year and he hasn't yet had a sign up and the farmer states it's still leased from same guy). All I can say is this -- if he EVER decides to go forward with his plans, he will get to go thru the expense and time for each greenhouse added that I did. But, I'd still give him free manure :bgrin

I wonder, too, why didn't he just come by and talk to me about his concerns? In a couple of years they plan to replace the trailer with a newly built home. (Son is a house framer/roofer, etc).

ADDED: Move next to me. I LOVE YOUR FENCE :bgrin :aktion033: Am I a redneck?
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We have had to move large sheds (11x16) and luckily we have a great friend with a loader. He puts the forks on the loader, sticks them under the shed, we run straps completely around the shed and attach them to the loader to keep it from tipping. Then, we just go!

I know how you feel. Had much the same problems here. So, after 6 years of constant tears and battles, we have sold the property to a developer who is going to plant 25 homes on this property. I guess the neighbors will enjoy looking at all those cookie cutter homes and hearing the noise of 25 families and the traffic of 25 families. Hmmm, I think justice has been served! The fact of the matter is, no matter where you go, there ALWAYS seems to be a bad apple. It's just all in what you can take and what you can't. Your place is AWESOME! My place is awesome, but, when I began to dread walking down to the barn or even coming home from work and checking the mail for the latest threat from the city and county, well, it starts to lose it's appeal.
This may be a stupid idea, but what if you started to built a fence on your new 10' over line? Their fence would be in your fence/property line, then, they may be more inclined to move it quicker? That would really tick em off.

I certainly wouldn't just let them have that extra 10' they complained about you, so I would keep after them, they started it and look where it got them.....................a new fence line! :lol:

Love your barn, sorry about the problems.
heck if 4 feet is all you need to move your barn..that's all i'd do! lol i'd just have someone bring in 4' extra and level it..and then just DRAG the barn those 4'.. screw your neighbor. leave it right htere. obviously he doesn't WANT it there if he's complaining..so dont' make life easy for him..what the heck differnce is 4' going to make? LOL I'd also contact the town as to their WRITTEN rules on building permits. i'd say it's a PORTABLE building beacuse of the size and lack of permanent base ect. Most towns wouldn't consider that a permanent structure and do not reiqure a permit. go from there!
I personally love your barn and fence! My fencing's all wire and T-posts......wouldn't she have a fit about that!! Definately enforce the survey and make her move her fence or you risk losing a chunk of your property. I agree that your barn is a portable building and shouldn't require a permit but I'd check with your local building codes......I'm also not sure that since it's portable that it falls under the same 10 foot rule as permanent buildings do. I'm with Marty though.....if you have to move it put it closer to your house where it's most convenient for you. Good luck with those very unreasonable neighbors you have!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I know how infuriating(sp) it is!

We went through a simmilar situation. We had been in our house for four years when some people decided to build a house next door. They decided they wanted to put up an ugly gray brick wall between our house and theirs. My parents tried to work with them to come up with something that would suit both of us, but these people would not work with us. They ended up tearing up our sprinkler system and our rod iron fence in the process of building their wall. They refused to pay for that damage and would not even apologize. These people were such jerks!

We had some people on the other side who thought they were famous or something and that everyone should bow down before them.

There were some kids down the street that would shoot their paint ball guns at the side of our barn and scare the horses half to death. And the neighbors across the street would set off illegal fire works every year, this being rightup against the dry foothills in SO CA. where one stray spark would have set the whole mountainn on fire! I just don't understand what goes through some peoples heads!

BTW, I love your barn and your fence! The fance is like the really nice ones around here that everyone would love to have!
That is one really nice looking Barn and Fence.

Should I send you a picture of mine,,, tell those people,, if you don't like this you will be getting this!

What is your Zoning laws? Might be something to look into. The County will have rules of where a shed or barn can be, ie how close to the property line or such. Before you move it, find that stuff out. Because if your wee shed is fine, no matter what that lady says,, she would not have a legal leg to stand on.

Am so sorry you have to deal with these nasty people.
I don't have anything else to comment that would be helpful but just wanted to say your place is beautiful, Robin.


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