I just became an aunt

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Aug 31, 2010
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Hi all,

I just wanted to share that as of 1:48pm today I am an aunt. My nephew was born at 34 weeks and 3 days weighing 4 pounds and 14.5 ounces. I am hoping that you will all keep him in your thoughts and send good energies to him as he will be in the NICU for at least 10 days to make sure he will be okay
. He doesn't have a name as of yet, they thought they had almost 6 weeks left to finalize that, but will be either Sean or Ivan. Thank you for listening.
CONGRATULATIONS on your new little nephew. Sending prayers that he'll grow strong and healthy and that he'll be able to go home soon!
Thank you for your prayers. They must have worked because he is now breathing on his own without difficulties and is able to digest his food. Now all he has to do is put on some weight that he was too impatient to put on while he was on the inside, and he'll be able to come home. Thanks again.
Just wanted to give you an update. First, his name is Ivan. I get to call him Ivan the Terrible Two when he's two years old.
Second, and way more important, he is doing way better. He has started sucking
and hopefully will soon be able to suck long enough that they will be able to remove the tube from him. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, they are greatly appreciated.
My granddaughter Olivia was only 4lbs. 4 oz and she is now two and has no set backs... Would never no she was a preemie.

Good Thoughts and more
My father's name was Ivan

Congrats on the new member of your family!

May he continue to grow and thrive!

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