And Potatoes- work horses were fed "chats" potatoes- it was fine if they were being worked hard as they processed them OK but at w/ends they had to lay off the tatties and just give hay or they were in trouble come Monday morning- I had forgotten the Draught horses!!
Brain is getting tired, you know!
I would leave her off the hard feed for longer than four days- I would not put her back on it again for a couple of weeks if she improves.
I did not mention, sorry, that it is imperative to keep her warm- a good, warm blanket and a quiet life- we were instructed to cover all windows and keep them in the dark but I am not sure about that- I am pretty sure that would stress a horse more than just being quietly with it's friends, surely??
Just remember that a lot of horses actually do manage without any feed at all- just good hay or grass- for example mine, all summer!!
Honestly, no supplements no feed nothing, just ad lib grass, and a good hay would be as good as that.
Is there a reason she has to have feed (apart form vitamins etc- although mine do not get those either and they are not dead yet
)- I do , obviously, feed the horses that are being shown, but not yet, not for another month, in fact, they are all just on their ordinary diet of grass and bulk feed at the moment.
I am NOT criticising here BUT I honestly do think we make a lot of the problems and overfeeding - I do not mean grass and hay here- seems to be one of the prime causes of the problems I see on this board.