I really wish Forum Members would add their State/location to their profile thingy underneath the Avatar.
So many times when people come here talking about problems they are having with their horses, I think well, the answer to help them might be related to their location. What kind of climate they live in, what is their general terrain, things like that can have much bearing on a horse's health. But when I look to the left to see where they are, there is nothing listed.
Maybe this is just me being a weenie again, but sometimes I read stuff and I wonder, "Well where the heck do they live?"
For instance there is a hay thread and I was about to send out some links, but I have no idea where the people were located so I couldn't narrow down my search for them by State. Same thing with locating a farrier. If you put your location under your Avatar thingy, I think it could be helpful.
This has been a public service announcement!
So many times when people come here talking about problems they are having with their horses, I think well, the answer to help them might be related to their location. What kind of climate they live in, what is their general terrain, things like that can have much bearing on a horse's health. But when I look to the left to see where they are, there is nothing listed.
Maybe this is just me being a weenie again, but sometimes I read stuff and I wonder, "Well where the heck do they live?"
For instance there is a hay thread and I was about to send out some links, but I have no idea where the people were located so I couldn't narrow down my search for them by State. Same thing with locating a farrier. If you put your location under your Avatar thingy, I think it could be helpful.
This has been a public service announcement!