I will have 3 teens here for 4 days!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
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Bob is returning home this weekend being it is Daytona 500 weekend! Now I love NASCAR but 4 guys making noise and leaving yuk... :new_shocked: Oh my I am just "so" excited. :no:

How can I politely tell these 3 boys that they must go to sleep at no later than midnight? Last time they were here they made so much noise until almost dawn. OH I know they were having fun, it was Shain's birthday so I kept my mouth shut..BUT you try to sleep with 3 guys with assorted voices laughing and thumping directly under your bed! :new_shocked: All nice boys, one of them mine but I gotta sleep!

Help me out moms of the forum. I'm dreading this. Good thing......all 4 leave Monday morning! I get the week to myself AND Karla is coming to visit Tuesday. I need my rest just for that. God help the house, Karla do not judge my housekeeping!

I will spending lots of time in the barn.
I suggest sleeping bags and let those boys sleep in the barn !! You still get your beauty sleep and the boys will be able to have the party where they can be boys. The horses will not mind a bit. You can fix them a picnic basket of snack foods and they will think you are the coolest mom around.
Easy Deb, just tell them, and mean it, but still nice. If they don't, NO food, that always seems to work.

Do you have places so they can all sleep in sperate areas? I think seperating them prevents wanting to chat with the others. Might help.

If the above doesn't work, I do this every time. They keep me up late with them,,,,,,,,I still get up early,,,,,,but they get up early with me! With all I do, they have no choice but to get up.

Always turned things around for me.
: I have even done this with kids I didn't know all that well.
You make a big batch of browines and put nytol in them! :bgrin
Oh Marty! Great idea!!!! I'm making banana nut muffins and chocolate chip muffins. How much should I add?

Just Kidding!!!!!!!

Carolyn, Shain has a HUGE room and the 2 bunk on those fold out chairs that become bed things? I will also threaten early chores. Great idea!! As for sleeping in the barn! I wouldn't do that to my sweet girls.

I have spoken nicely to Shain and remined him that I just gotta sleep and happy mom is a good mom. He rolled his eyes and laughed! Thanks for the chuckles and support! I have tons of chips and dip, the muffins, 1 case of generic cola. Then they're on their own!
Oh Deb.....go to a motel and leave tehm to it............... Just kidding!!

Get headphones!

No seriously, I hope they don't drive you

OK now that is just not fair I want to visit too, you and Karla should have a great visit and you are both so nice, I bet you will thoroughly enjoy eachothers company, this is the first visit right??

Oh, School vacation that is why she can get away............hmmmm!

I asked my hubby today to come home a half hour early from work and he gave me that look like "Hon, are you kidding" :eek: :eek: I just need to bring the puppy to the vet and going with 3 kids is a nightmare!

I need to be creative in suggesting I would like to leave for a w'end!!

Sorry off topic
Invite a couple of your friends to have a sleepover with you and join the boys. Nothing like Mom and her friends to join the kids to get them to want to move thier party out into the barn...or go to bed early!! tee hee!! :lol: :517:
Deb, you know--you could hire a babysitter, pack your bags and come on over!
: You;ll survive it, dont know how--but you will. :bgrin Corinne
To tell you the truth, I just stock up on tons and tons of junk food and that keeps them pretty darn quiet once the tummy aches start to kick in. Then all you have left to listen to is a bunch of groaning.....
They were very good boys last nite and went to bed at midnight. They got up around 9 and played, had some breakfast, cleaned up the yard as alot of stuff blew around, and are out target shooting now. So far so good!

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