any other advice or sujestions would be great.
........... PLEASE judge the horses conformation & NOT the exhibitor...... Just because a judge trained an exhibitor's horse does not mean that person/horse deserves first place. This is getting too obvious in todays show ring - trainers placing previous clients & trainers placing trainers. And no it isn't sour grapes - it is obvious in classes that we aren't even in ....... I asked Lee today, "why are you wasting your money when you know this is the way it is going to be with some judges?"
I was waiting for this topic to come up! First, I am a trainer. Second, I am a judge. Let me explain a couple of things that are very personal to me - I take both of those jobs VERY seriously. My clients pay me decent money to send their horses to me (as do the other trainers' clients). These clients have selected the best horses they can to send out as representatives of their farm. They pay for their horses to look good, show well and ultimately WIN. If my clients' horses aren't winning, then I'm not doing my job as a trainer. When I am acting as a judge, my role is to select the absolute BEST horses in each of the classes despite who is on the lead. I am fair! It doesn't matter who is showing the best horse (I've seen some kids showing some killer horses beat the most seasoned trainer) - that's the horse that wins the class.
Here's my point - when I first started showing I got frustrated that the "trainers were always winning". Then I looked at what I was showing. I wasn't spending hours each day conditioning my horses, I wasn't grooming them to look their best, I wasn't handling them like they needed to. The judges were picking THE BEST HORSE! It sometimes wasn't mine! I was upset, said "I'm not going to waste my money showing" blah, blah, blah.....
If you look at most of the successful trainers in the ring today - their livelihoods are made on this BUSINESS of showing horses. The day they stop being excellent at their jobs, is the day that they lose this business. Instead of being frustrated with the trainers', look to them as mentors! These people have remarkable knowledge and are often open to helping others out. If you aren't willing to improve, then don't resent those people who are good at what they do.
You're right. I do know a lot of the trainers who are out there. I respect them, they respect me. When I am a judge, they expect me to place the best horse whether it is theirs or not. I do want to comment though, after the shows, its the TRAINERS who come to the judges and ask what they liked/disliked about the horses on the show strings - they want to improve themselves. It always seems odd to me that the person who is the first to comment on how "political" things are is the first ones to load their trailer and leave the show without asking what they could do different.
Finally, after my long rambling, I'm not defending anyone. I do see all sides of this as I was a beginner/amateur, I am a judge and I am a trainer. Without ALL of these people involved in the miniature horse industry, none of the shows that we love to hate would be available.