If you could make any foal of your choice,

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
If you wanted the best foal out there,

which stallion and which mare would you use? The best with the best so to speak.

You can use any stallion or mare in miniature history,,,,,,,put them together and get a baby!!!!

Who would it be???

This is a "dream" thing, so lets dream outside our own farms!!!!

I want a foal by: Cross Country Call Me Awesome,,,,,,,and Little Kings Sweet Melody.

What an awesome stallion and man does that mare put some great babies on the ground!!!!!!!

She produces winner after winner after winner!!!!!!!

I would want one out of "Dillards HHH Pennies From Heaven" and "Orion Light Vant Huttenest"............

I do have a stallion out of "Pennies From Heaven" and I absolutely love him.....if I can't have the mare I will settle for her son who looks just like her... :new_shocked: ......his name is "Dillards HHH Chippewa Chief" :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
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What part of Indiana are you from? I lived in rural Fort Wayne for 11 years. My sister lives in rural Columbia City off Hwy 30. Just curious. Always seems better if you know the area someone lives in.
Hmm I have 2.. first would be

Champion Farms Nighthawk and LM Hawks Sahara Bey for a line bred Hawk foal

Next would be...

Sundance LB Morracco ( I think that is his full name) with our own Annettes(hhpminis) Lucy -Sundance LB

My One Desire of HHP

This is of course going off of Fantasy only with favorite horses not necessarily what would for sure get you the best cross
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Tony made my dream foal and he did a great job. I couldn't have dreamed of a better horse than

Little Americas Silver Charmer, silver dapple pinto 24

out of Little Americas Silver Tornado 26

RI Tuff Wisp Of Smoke 27

okay, i would absolutely LOVE to have a baby by Arabian Echo's Masquerade. (my dream stallion) and maybe out of... Fort Sory's Gust of Wind, a beautiful mare.
: AAAAAAAhhh, if only if only.....
These would be my choice :488:

Mare would have to be: NFC Rowdy's Gem


Stallion would love to be: Boone's Little Buckeroo

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Mine would be Orion bred to Liberty's Miss Kentucky. (Or Miss Kentucky bred to ANYBODY!) LOL.
Dream foal would be a homozygouns Pinto so:

Stallion: Flying W Farms Blue Boys Magic Man

Mare (may not exist): Homozygous pinto daughter of Hemlock Brooks Cock Robin

Now Frankie, we do have a frame overo daughter of Cross Country Call Me Awesome that we are trying to breed to a son of FWF Blue Boys Magic Man (or next year to our Rowdy-Buckeroo bred Pinto colt)... How does that sound?
OHHH, that would be a hard decision. I LOVE the Blue Boy lines, but I would have to say I would LOVE to have a foal out of Liberty's Miss Kentucky ( who wouldnt want a foal out of her! )bred to Ann of Seahorse Farms, her stallion Ten L's Spirits Afterglow, to me he is a perfect example of a "arabian in miniature" with his style. But BACK TO REALITY....I love my cross from my own stallion Woodstock North Topaz and MHR's Dream Dust.=(Chantilly Lace) I would like to have about a dozen of those foals! Corinne
[SIZE=14pt]Strass's Red Alert and my Michigans Shirley T. :new_shocked: :aktion033: [/SIZE]

I'd really like to see a linebreeding of Circle S Bright Reflection to Circle S Bill Bailey. I'd also like to see:

-EK Creations Night Calls x Abrias Bit O Attitude

-Brit Helm Grande Review x LK Buck Echo

-AF Gold Charm x LK Buckeroo Bacarra
I would choose to play make a foal with two horses Erica owns (yeah, probably no one is surprised). I would cross Little Kings Big City Bucks to Ericas RFM Spring Thunder ("Peas"). I got to see Peas in person about a month ago and I have never laid eyes on a more feminine and elegant looking mare.
Gotta go with Tony.

Orion X Liberty's Miss Kentucky

In reality, I got her this year. Brewers Dynamo Secret x Small World Brandy , a beautiful bay with socks in front , stockings in rear, snip and a mixed tail. Not sure if the mixed tail makes her a pinto or not. Will be taking pictures soon (I hope!)

Her name (pending) Rockin Robins DS Showgirl

My Mare Would Be Littlefoots Sweetgrass whom I lease Because I love her
: And theyd make a nice dilute baby :



My Stallion would be Little Kings White Russian
: :


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