If you owned this horse woudl you geld him?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Have about 95% made up my mind, however just curious what others would do. I dont want a critique on him, simply a yes or no. And dont do it because of his color, paint him purple if you have to.


I would, but then again, I have no business owning a stallion right now.

If he were solid, he doesn't quite "wow" me but he IS decently correct. I think it depends on the situation and I know you are pressed for housing w/him.


And you know how I feel about gelding.

You can geld him later if he really does not do it for you.

I have a feeling about this one..........
You've got an email
Sent before I saw this.

One thing I can say is NO, not YET if you are still wondering. You've got to be sure it's really what you want to do.

He is stallion quality, in my opinion, so whether or not to geld him totally has to do with how you see him being used / housed / etc. in the future.
If he were mine there is NO WAY I would geld him!!!! He is EXACTLY what I want to add to my breeding program! Nice boy and color is sure a NICE bonus!
Yes, but then I would geld anything without a second thought, I don't care how good it looks. There will always be another one at some point that looks as good or better.
I agree with the reply " save the knife and send him to me". I think he is beautiful in every way .

So if we are all about GELD, GELD, GELD, why not geld him? I don't think he'll ever be Na'l Champ, so why keep him a stallion? You guys are confusion
: I say geld & have fun showing!
I think it is hard for us to make a decision outside of what we would do with him at our farm.

Yes, I would geld him, but I am on the gelding boat big time right now, and I'd even geld Tom Cruise at this point!
I'd even geld Tom Cruise at this point!

Oh No, now you have gone to far

In my opinon NO, sell him to someone to better their breed. :aktion033:
How old is he? I may need to re-read your post.

I think he has potential and would wait until he was fully mature (5+) to decide - assuming he has a good attitude and is easy to work around and work with.

So my answer is - if he is less than 5 years old - I would say WAIT to decide later.

If he is over 5 - I would say geld him.

No I would not geld him send him to someone who is looking to better their breeding program.
Yes. He's a super nice little guy, but he's not stallion material IMO.
He is just a yearling. I wont be sending him anywhere. I will be keeping him one way or another.

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