If you went to an ASPC sanctioned show this weekend

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Askov, MN
If you went to the Daffy or East Coast Spring Fling, or PCMHC April Flowers or Orange Blossom MHC Show--I Would like to talk with you!

If you went to an AMHA sanctioned show also-- Give me a PM!

East Coast is not an ASPC show. I have asked if they will offer shetland classes, but not at this time. They may consider that for the future.
If you went to the Daffy or East Coast Spring Fling, or PCMHC April Flowers or Orange Blossom MHC Show--I Would like to talk with you!
If you went to an AMHA sanctioned show also-- Give me a PM!


if you are close to Tn you should come to a great show. they will have the pony class there. Dixi Cohea is one of the BEST if NOT the best show mangers their is she has taken area 3 to where it is at. they will have an amha show too. the show is this weekend coming up.

hope to see you there

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