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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2003
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Hi there ya'all. I'm back! Several months of computer problems kept me from enjoying the company on here. Boy that sucked!

Been very busy though using a friend's laptop to get off-line work done. Recently I decided the writer in me was tired of being laid off. LOL Anyway, I'm currently working on a novel (will be my fourth full novel, three of which are published), and I am desperate for a reader/critique. Not for style (unless you desire to do that) but for content. I would sincerely like honest feedback as to the story content. It's written in rom/com (romance/comedy) style so if you like work that takes itself extremely seriously you probably wouldn't be interested, but that's not to say the subject matter isn't serious, or the story isn't serious. It's just a lighter tone than some typical women's fiction, or romance fiction.

Disclaimer: there is some mild swearing (PGish content), and light sexual inuendo, it's not a wild, hot, steamy romance type though.

It's currently at approx 40,000 words, and I'd appreciate someone taking what is, and then more as it's written. I write quickly though, and hope to have it finished at around 78,000 total words by the end of this, or next week at the max. So a fairly quick read would be greatly appreciated.

The file would be sent via email as a word document attachment, or rich text format if you don't have Microsoft Word. It would be necessary to have some type of word processing software on your computer, any will usually read RTF files.

Thanks in advance if anyone is interested.

*Edited to add, any of you fellas interested are welcome to ask to read it as well. Although my work is generally aimed at the feminine market, I've gotten some of my favorite review/critiques from men in the past. So I'd love it.
Hi Tami and Karla,

I would like to ask both of you guys how you got your book published? Did you self-publish or have a publishing co.? If you had a publishing co. who did you have and does it really take a couple of years from the time your ms is accepted until it's in the stores? Did you have to have a agent?

Sorry for all the questions but really need to know. I'm writing a book right now that I'm almost finished with on Head Injury, I'm also working on a novel. I wanted to write for years and finnally this past year started writing and I am very excited to write but now find myself very down trying to find out the best way to go to get it published. I called a print shop in my town and they want $1500 to print a 6x9 paper back with plastic coil binding and that way of course I would have to market it myself and I also wouldn't have the isbn number in it. $1500 is way too much money to put out for 50 books.

I would be happy for any advice that you guys can give.

Thanks, Barbara
Hi Karla, and Barbara.

To answer both of you at once,


The Road To Paradise

In the Shadows of Love

Dark Side Of The Moon

All of the above are available on Amazon.com, although DarkSide is a special order *grrr*, the first two are available at Barnesandnoble.com, and in some of their stores... other outlets on line are various, offline, slim, but existing, just depends on the location, and store mostly.


My first two novels I self-published. The third was published by a small publisher. It is coming close to the sell out, and I'm hoping they don't take the option to do a second print, their distribution was good at the beginning but it ... well, sucks now. LOL I'd be happy to put it out as a second printing myself.

A listing of my other publishing credits are listed at http://www.geocities.com/tamiparrington/credits.html

Now, Karla... lots, and lots, of answers to your question. It's more complicated than just this is the way, and only way, to do it if you decide to self-publish. Honestly though, for fiction, when it comes right down to it, getting that mass market publisher contract may be the toughest gig in the universe, but financially it's worth it over self-pubbing. If financial benefits aren't a factor, or at least a primary one, there are still many other options.

Does it really take up to two years with a major publisher from acceptance to print... very often, yes. Sometimes less, sometimes more.

I haven't had an agent, but I wouldn't kick a good one in the teeth. The problem is there are more 'not' good ones than otherwise, and many, many real SHARKS...them I wouldn't mind giving a good swift kick.

I'll be happy to talk with you privately if you like.

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Sounds like a fun book! Love to read that kind -- unfortunately at this time I am doing the NaNoWriMo myself -- to write my first attempt -- doubt I will be able to do the entire 50,000 words in the month -- as I am still at the stage where I am coming up with characters, basic plot etc.. (fantasy/scifiction) making up the world, culture etc.. never done this before.

Good luck with it - I love to read romance/comedy type books - diverting and entertaining.

Thanks anyway, JJay. Best of luck on the NANO project. I'm 'doing it' too, unofficially. I like playing along, but since I started this awhile back, I'm not about to ditch my current WIP in order to plow through something new instead. It's great fun to keep track of the word count, and have a good time 'stalling' during the day. LOL


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