I just wanted to update. We did the recording yesterday. I had been given a list of questions to answer and had spent about 30 minutes to type up basically what I wanted to say... but then when we sat down to record, the questions were asked in a different order. That shouldn't matter, I knew the answers, but was too concerned about finding what I thought I wanted to say on my "script." The engineer said it will sound great when they get it ready to go, but I told him I'd been wanting "everyone" to listen but then based on how I thought I sounded during the recording... maybe not so much
I was told it will sound good, and I guess I'll know on Saturday morning. Good news is, next week I'll know what to expect and should sound a lot smoother. Kinda like riding a horse maybe -- harder than it looks at first!
Hope some of my friends here can listen. Here's a graphic about the show: