Well-Known Member
I don't really care for long heads. I don't like it if there's too much space between eye and muzzle. Heads are not my first priority -- good conformation, of course, but for a "type" issue, I favor awesome, high set, necks -- but nice heads are way up there for me. I like dishy heads, small muzzles, tight "apostrophe" ears, chisled nostrils, large, wide set doe eyes... Some of our own foals sporting features I like:
I think this would be pretty much my ideal sort of a head in the breed. I like chopped off muzzles. Hate waterfall long muzzles. Hate big fat muzzles. I don't really care about the size of the head, as long as it fits the body. I have seen many Minis who did seem to have a head larger than I felt fitted the body. I like a moderate dish but hope the Mini doesn't go as far as Arabians have in recent years.