I'm sensing a theme...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2003
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Please tell me there are others like me...Other unsuspecting people who's passion in life seems out to get them.

I have five scars. Here are the stories behind them, tell me if you too notice a theme.

1) I was about a year and a half old when my sister decided she wanted the reclining chair that I was sitting on. In order to procure this coveted chair she pushed me off of it. This caused my forehead to come in contact with the corner of the table. The direct result of this was a scar across my forehead.

2) I was in...grade two or so when I saw a REALLY pretty golden retriever (yes, I still remember the breed) on the other side of the fence at my school, in the parking lot. I followed the retriever and its owner along the fence...and failed to notice the very large, bright orange beam and proceeded to walk into it. This caused a scar in the corner of my right eye.

3) When I was about fifteen, when we first moved into this house, there was a handsome stray cat that I called Pinto because of the piebald pattern he had. He was very friendly and always came up to me. He accidentally got locked in the neighbours basement and I decided to help her get him out, since he was usually a sweet cat. I failed to think about the fear that a cornered cat feels and he attacked me. I ended up with three puncture would shaped scars on my right wrist.

4) When I had Marco (my old mini), he was being a jerk one day and decided to fight me. At one point during the brawl, he stepped on my ankle and caused a small nick which turned into a triangle shaped scar.

5) The whole reason for this post was realizing that I had another scar...I got into a fight with a barbed wire fence while riding my friend Sarah's mare Cara and the fence won. It has not healed completely (this was Thanksgiving weekend) and is now turning into a scar.

Anyone else noticing a theme? :DOH!
hey her sister could be an animal. But people also say things happen in threes or fives, so . It sound like you need to be wrapped in Bubble wrap

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