I'm tired,I'm sore, and I have blisters but

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Shawnee, Oklahoma
I am so excited! My brother in law and I finished the barn roof today! We also got part of the siding on the north end. It was a long hard day but that was the big part that I needed help with. I can put the siding on by myself and finish the inside but the roof was what I really needed help with.

My brother in law said he would be back down here next Sunday and maybe we could get the siding on and he would build me some doors for the ends of the alleyway.

I'm sure going to mess up the fillies playground when we finish the siding, their favorite thing is to run and jump over the baseboards.

I am thinking of putting double dutch doors at each end of the barn alley, what do you think? That way I can leave the top half open if the wind isn't howling but still keep the horses from getting out. I was also thinking about just putting gates on the outside walls for the stalls instead of doors since they will be on the east side or the west side but might put dutch doors there too.

It finally looks like a barn!

Do you mean I have to come back now to see the finished product ?? Glad to hear that you had help for the hard part of the job. Getting the roofing fastened down is a big job but getting it up ther to be fastened is a bigger one.
Mary: Glad to read your close to completion of your barn. I would do the dutch doors like you talked about. They give you more options in different types of weather.
Good for you :aktion033: The sore body and blisters go away but the enjoyment of what you did lasts.
:aktion033: I know that feeling good about getting "that part" done outweighs the sore muscles & blisters!

Good job!

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