What a picture that is
So sweet. I had a thought. After a c-section, I guess there is very little discharge (if any?) to worry about, right? Callie's just now, after three weeks, significantly slowing down on discharge; those first two weeks are messy and consist of two washings a day.
You are right Matt, less but still some, being they really clean it out with a c-section.
My laundry is a little bit more these days.
It took longer but did her stitches inward, so the puppies would not be sucking on the ends.
They will dissolve on their own.
They just do not always pop out so easy and we
just sit back and watch them grow.
Never thought I would have to have a c-section for a big dog, first time for this.
I know I did tell you this Matt, but maybe this info might help someone else.
Found this information which I believe was Tabitha's problem. Learn something everyday.
In primary inertia, a caesarean section as soon as possible is the only way to ensure any puppies survive. The puppies will drown if it is performed too late. If a caesarean is not performed in time, the puppies will die and the bitch will likely die from the resulting infection.
The size of the litter; a bitch carrying a huge litter can be so extended that the muscles are already stretched to the limit and there is no room for contractions.
This is what happen to Tabitha no contractions, just leaking fluids and when we did the c-section the vet gasped, and said O no she is full of fluids, the size was amazing her uterus was at least 5-6 inches round.
The vet said we got her here in time, and was not sure if we would save them all.
As you see we did, a couple where turning blue, and was not easy getting any of them breathing, after the vet was dealing with Tabitha and had her all sewn up was so surprised to see all 13 wiggling around..
A very concerned vet called yesterday to see how Tabitha and the pups where doing.
I believe she is shock to hear, they are all still here and doing well.
Thanks for listening, this was an experience I sure hope never have to repeat.
This is what this forum is all about sharing experiences and information to help one another out.
Again would like to thank you Matt for just being there.