I come from a family of bad backs( and when I say that, my mom and all kids have back problems)
From what I hear chiropraters are not the best, they snap everything back which as said above can sometimes make things worse. Physiotheraphy is the best option and the one my mom uses. She has a permently bad back and her routine is to go to the physio every 3 months; the good thing with the physio(besides releving the muscle pain), they can show you stetches and excersices that are good for the exact problem you have in your back) What she does inbetween the physio is she goes to a masage therapist every 2 weeks. I have personal used this service as well and would recommentd it; unlike the chriopracter, a MT masages the muscles around the tense joints so that what every is out of place can then be gently guided to its proper location. This is the reason behind most muscle spasmism in the back, something is out of place, stretching the muscles and causing pain. It took me about 6 months of seeing the MT every 3 weeks to not have my back go out, and mostly it continued to go out because I stressed and didn't let it recover(heavy lifting, not sleeping right, etc) this is where the physio and mt can guide you and how to keep a healthy and happy back.
From my personal experience; excercise is key. The human body was made to move, not sit for hours on end. When I injured my back 1.5 years ago, I took up walking, slow at first but now I go for about 4-5 miles each day. It doesn't have to be walking either, my mom swimms 3 times a week for half hour or more, the biggest thing is that its not back jarrering.
2nd thing is to have a strong core; there is not alot of muscle in the back, so having a strong core muscle will support it and prevent futher injury, but also take this slow; over doing excersice can actually hurt the back more than help (which for me meant another trip to the masage therapist
This is where the physio is a big help, they can give you the best kind of excersices that aren't going to hurt you futher, or like me you can play by your own discretion.
And just one more thing, and I'll make is short
is don't foget to stretch
Hope all of this helped and you can soon be pain free!!