Well-Known Member
Tomorrow makes two weeks that something just hasn't been right. My husband had opened a new can of dog food and the next morning Teddy had the runs. We weren't sure if it was the dog food, and gave it to him another night. Same thing the next morning. So we stopped giving him the moist dog food. Since then, he has had mucus in his stools and they have went from a darker brown to a lighter brown. We stopped giving him human food as well (he usually got a bite or two of what we ate for dinner) as that didn't seem to settle with his stomach very well either. He is only eating dry dog food now, and the stools will be firm after he eats, but as he goes longer without food through out the night (he sleeps in a carrier), his stools become more loose and by morning time, there's a lot of mucus. He's went from going twice a day, to five or six times, and he has been waking us up in the middle of the night because he has to "go".
He has a vet appointment today at 2:00 but I'm trying to brace myself for whatever it could be. I took a fresh stool sample in this morning and when I handed it to the vet assistant, she said "That's a lot of mucus." We would have taken him in sooner, but we have been trying to eliminate possible reasons. He hasn't lost or gained any weight, and his personality is exactly the same. You'd never know something was wrong if you didn't see the changes in his pottying.
I'm so scared it's going to be bad news.
He has a vet appointment today at 2:00 but I'm trying to brace myself for whatever it could be. I took a fresh stool sample in this morning and when I handed it to the vet assistant, she said "That's a lot of mucus." We would have taken him in sooner, but we have been trying to eliminate possible reasons. He hasn't lost or gained any weight, and his personality is exactly the same. You'd never know something was wrong if you didn't see the changes in his pottying.

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