Well...I kept checking for your writeup after Keith and I talked to you last night, and by the time I got back on here you have a ton of responses. Once again, this forum is an amazing place! The worry wart in me, however, wonders if the time you posted this, in the wee hours, was because you couldn't sleep?
Keith was worried that you would be experiencing PTSD, which is why he called back after you and I talked.
Thank goodness the crumple zones on truck and trailer truly did their jobs (as did the Jersey barriers). How appropriate that the engineer's daughter is saved by good engineering! You could say that your trailer died to save Kody, so when I look at those photos, I'm thankful for every dent I see, and those I don't. Same for the truck.
I remember a recent discussion on LB about trailers that are too heavy for the tow vehicle. Everyone who hauls needs to keep in mind that Leia's truck is fully capable of handling that trailer, yet the trailer still ended up in front of the truck before they came to a stop. Although, in a strange way, this may have been a blessing, as the jack-knifing brought everything to a halt.
Leia, is it possible to move or extend that trailer brake lever? A safety feature is of no use if you can't safely reach it!
When the woulda-could-shouldas hit you, you can turn them around -- instead of those things you MIGHT have done, the things you DID do may well be the choices that saved you and Kody. For example, while you could say you should have driven down Friday night, imagine if you had had that accident at nighttime?
I'm just so glad that you and Kody are all right. Keith told me about Kody rearing in hopes of a click-and-treat last night...a good sign. He is SUCH a good boy, and I can only imagine what it meant for you to comfort and reassure him. That he got back in the trailer so willingly is testament to his trust in you.