Incontinent/Constipated dog

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2004
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Donie TX
K, Few years ago my Heeler had a hernia at his anus repaired, it caused fecal impaction. Ever since he has had periods of urine incontinence and will still have very, very firm stools even though he gets nothing but canned wet food w/some corn oil.

Everything the Vets have tried will fix one problem, but then impact ( no pun intended LOL) the other. So its complete urine incontinence but passes stool fine, or impacts up but doenst leak.

UGH!!!!!! Anyone have any ideas that may work? Have tried an rx pill ( cant recall what) , bisocodyl, the oil, an rx clear oil. I am at a loss. Ideas are GREATLY appreciated, dont care how off the wall LOL TIA! Heather and Dallas
Ask the vet to try Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride(PPA) if helps a dog hold his urine, its worth a try.
Envy , we tried Science diet, packed him up really bad. So now its pedigree and wal mart canned. The Pedigree helps, but the wal mart is already so nasty and oily LOL that I rotate. Plus he gets about 1-2 tbls per feeding of corn oil and gets gravy on top of that. Amazes me that with the fluid intake of his meals alone, he can pack up.

Robin, will ask about that. Wish I could recall the names of the med he's been on. thanks!!.
Okay, before you start loading him with drugs, please consider a change in diet! :new_shocked:

Science Diet is actually a step above Pedigree and mystery "Walmart brand" in quality but all IMO are CRAP. The only good thing about these foods is you are feeding the canned versions which tend to contain some decent ingredients. It's time for a change...
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Well first, I would never give a dog Bisocodyl :eek: Have you ever taken that stuff, oh's terrible, I know from personal experience, you want to talk about stomach cramps from h*ll

The label name for the Phenylpropanolamine is Prolin, or at least that's one of them. I use the Prolin on a dog here, they are chewable tablets.

As for wet food, I would try the oatmeal and chicken formula made by Nutro. My dogs love it, and oatmeal has a tendancy to keep stools soft.

Also corn oil gets absorbed not expelled. Try mineral oil, but not on a long term basis as it will rob the dog of nutrients.

You should check out the Dog Food Project website, they have a great forum to ask questions. The web address is

If this were my dog, I would get him off of the IMHO "crap" food and onto something really high end with no preservatives etc.

No offense intended by the above statement, I've just really gotten into dog nutrition recently, and what they should and should not eat.
Ohh shoot, no offense taken LOL I know the WM brand is crap, I only feed it because it is and it is the one food that has helped. Also its why I feed the pedigree as well. Tried IAMs too, no go. Ba dum bum
: The bisocodyl was rxed by the Vet. I live rurally, so my options arent the best and buying online I would have to get a quantity to make it worthwhile and if it didnt work, dont want to be wastefull.

Made a mistake, I dont feed the corn oil, its canola, if that makes any difference, also recomended by the Vet.

Dallas is in great shape otherwise, coat and skin wise, he is blind
: and thus, rather rotten!! LOL

This dog will impact fast, within a feeding or 2 and just cant do the $1300 for the other side ( hernia surg)

Will look into those websites. Thanks!
Pepi - Iams/Eukanuba is CRAP, too. So is Beneful, Ol Roy, Purina, Nutro Max (although Nutro Natural Choice & Ultra are good), etc. I used to feed Royal Canin and that's okay but there are definitely better out there. Look into Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul, Innova, Wellness, Flint River Ranch, Blue Buffalo, Pet Promise, etc., etc., etc. Research it and select a healthier alternative as there are many out there to choose from. You'll likely find that what you are currently feeding isn't really "helping" anything at all and your dog is having inconsistent stools because his system is rejecting the garbage in his current diet.
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i take issue with the Purina is crap statement:) my dogs have always had purina high protein and puppies always get puppy chow. My dogs look gorgeous and are healthy. People always comment when they come here how shiney their coats are and how bright eyed they are. To each their own but thats a pretty strong statement! My sadie is getting on in years and still looks glorious!
My dog has constant butt problems - has had one anal gland removed, has had a tumor removed from his anus. He also has IBS. I feed Science Diet W/D - which is a prescription food you can only get from the vet. It's actually for weight loss, but we feed it at the vet's recomendation because it's loaded with fiber...making his stools firm, not too hard and making him very regular - he has had no problems with his IBS while on this food either. He also gets metamucil at every feeding - I use the walmart brand pills and hide them in a little canned food (w/d). He gets nothing but the science diet w/d - including the dog biscuits. He is extremely regular - he poops the same times every day and he doesn't strain.

Perhaps some fiber would help in your dog's diet - you could mention it to the vet. Good luck.
I SECOND the fiber suggestion. Ground golden flaxseed, works for a bunch of things, stool included! My 13 yr old yorkie gets 1 tablespoon a day she is 7 pounds.
k, fiber, check
: will ask Vet about that too. That SD W/D was his rx food after his surg, he couldnt stay on it. Thanks guys!

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