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Jun 23, 2009
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Hello! My name is Rachel. I am new to minis, so I have been coming here to read and get some knowledge about them. I am bringing home soon our new babies. I was wondering has anyone used pasture pro herbicide weed killer on their land. My local feed store said it is safe for non lactating animals to graze on the same day(also says this on the label). I was hesitant to use it because of a miniature weanlings size. Thanks in advance!
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Hello from Indiana,sorry can't help with your question
I would never use any chemicals to kill weeds. Especially with young horses and foals regardless of what the lables say. It is to risky to find out down the road that it cause some kind of cancer, abortions or brain damage. I prefer the old fashion way by mowing the grass higher than a lawn. I don't know what size you paddock is whether or not you need to use a tractor or a lawn mower. I have even hand dug up weeds before. I have my rocks and weeds clean up days. With weeds it is best not to let them go to seed that is how they spread by reseeding. I mow it earlier in the spring and then just before the weeds are going to flower. And maybe later in the fall. Once you get them under comtrol it is just maintence. All the big horse farms mow there fields they don't put chemicals down. Chemicals and horses don't mix. Good Luck with your babies. This site is very informative.
I dont like to use weed killers around my babies..i may just be picky with that stuff..though it scares me to use anything that has the word kill on the bottle anywhere near my horses lol
Thanks!!! I just didn't feel right about it and glad I asked. We put alot of $ in to a 10 acre pasture that is divided into 2 areas. (Don't plan on leaving them out 24/7 on it but turned out twice daily. We also have dry lot for them.) We had everything plowed up down to dirt and re-seeded. The weeds and biars are trying to take back over our pretty grass. I bought pygmy goats to eat the weeds but they like eating the grass better
. I am sure I will have more questions in the future. I would love to post pics of them when we get them home! Thanks you again.
We have sprayed for TANSY every year with no ill effects to any of the horses - they stay off that field for two weeks and then go back on it. Mowing tansy and leaving it behind on the field - even just a few leaves - is not an option. It is only palatable to horses when it is dry and thus most horses are poisoned by it when it is accidentally baled in hay. We pull it. We spray it. We are winning the tansy wars but it is a long, slow process....
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I use " 2, 4D" dries up the broadleaf weeds, doesn't kill the grass. While the label says ok to graze when spray has dried, I prefer to not re-use field until it has been rained on at least 2X really well and mowed. You could do this with only 2 minis and 10 acres!
Have grazed stallions, mares (bred & lactating), foals, etc. as described and have not have any issues in over 15 yrs.

Will tell you this, Roundup is NOT what you want them to ever eat soon after spray. It willl cause abortions and it can cause problems with the horses who eat it. So if you must use this product anywhere in or near the pastures be sure to keep them away for a minimum of two weeks. It is a good product, just not animal friendly! And keep a separate spray container for it, as just a tiny residue can be a big problem.

If I have few weeds, cutting is a great option. But if you have a small drought it can cause major loss of grass and excellent weeds.
I will not put chemicals of any kind in any areas where my horses graze. I've seen the effects of what they can do. Now, my neighbors are a different story....... I mow and if I mow often enough, I keep the weeds well under control.

I just read the following in an article today and found it very interesting.

It's also important to note that if your horses have grazed fields or eaten hay from fields that have been treated with the herbicide Grazon (containing clopyralid), your compost will be worthless as a fertilizer and could even harm the environment. Manure from horses that have eaten treated hay or grass still contains the chemical, which will persist in organic material for up to five years. It will kill all broad-leaved plants. If you're not able to find out whether your hay sources use Grazon, grow a test plot of vegetables using composted manure from your farm.
We just finished spraying 80 acres with graze on. We spray and fertilize our pastures and hay fields every year and have never had any problem. We keep our broodmares and babies up in the barns, so don't worry about them. We have also used the 2 4D and grass eraser for spot spraying in the past without any problem. Just make sure you read the labels and really know what you are using. For example, with the 2 4D, They have a pasture type that is safe for livestock, and a crop type that is not. Know what you are using, and talk to your local Coop about your options.
We have used Cimeron (used to be Ali?spelling)

They SAY that you can spray with the horses on the pasture. To me it is a chemical, labeled safe or not...We only use it every few years and do not allow the minis to graze on it for 2-4 wks.

I have put big horses on sooner.

My issue right now is that sometimes the guy that bales our hay sometimes uses a "drying agent" on the hay. I have asked him not to use it, or if he does to let me know so I don't give it to the minis.

Anyone know about the drying agents and preg mini mares?
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Welcome Rachel !!!!!!!!!!!!! you will find lots of useful information and lots of great people !

I wish sometimes that i wasnt scared to use a weedkiller on my pasture my weeds get so tall you cant see

my tiny 26" filly! I try to mow them but my job makes it sometimes were i cant keep up with it.

anyway good luck finding something that works and wont hurt your babies

cant wait to see pics of them !!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm another one of those who will stear clear of any chemicals if at all possible. I can't control what is in the feed products and hays we use so I prefer to err on the side of caution. I've seen what enviornmental toxins....natural and man made.....can do and it is ugly.

So Rachel, I think each person simply has to make their own choice after getting all the facts they can. You are doing that plus getting opinions.

Welcome here!


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