I checked my thermometer which has both Celsius and Fahrenheit on it and the equivalent readout seems to be somewhere around 25 -28 below (it is exactly the same at 40 -that is 40F = 40C). Along with a wind it is pretty nasty. I was supposed to go to town today, have lunch with my daughter and husband, but it just isn't worth the risk of harm to my car to run it in these temperatures so I am just staying at home. Used the time to give my dog a pedicure which I've been putting off and to clean my kitchen. I won't need to go outside again today since my horses have all the hay they can eat plus some until this weather lets up. I probably should go out and collect the eggs again around dinner time since all but one was frozen completely solid (and cracked of course) today, in spite of an insulated coop and a heat lamp, but I won't bother, I'd rather lose a few eggs than face the cold again lol (I'm getting softer as I get older
