Is the HorseStudBook online not working?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Piqua, Ohio
I've been trying to "sign in" on the HorseStudBook online....which I've done many times in the past. But it keeps telling me "login unsuccessful". I know I'm using the correct login name & password, so that can't be the problem. I also noticed that AMHA is no where to be found....just AMHR/Shetland. What happened to AMHA?

Did I miss something? Is the site being "worked on" and maybe that's why it's not working right?
TRASH IT!!!!????
After all the time & money they've spent on it? :DOH!

I certainly hope not.
I would think that if it isn't going to work then cut your losses while you are ahead.

I would have hoped that there was a clause in the contract that covered for if the company didn't deliver what the promised when they promised it.

But I just went on the AMHA site and the link gone from their also.
On the bright side, didn't AMHA knock the price for their studbook down to only $25? I keep meaning to sign up for it again but only remember during non-business hours :DOH!
TRASH IT!!!!????
After all the time & money they've spent on it? :DOH!

I certainly hope not.
Is THIS the way for the membership to find out that the system is gone?
It just disappears when the members try to use it? And the worst is no word from AMHA management in any form? Well, I sure hope it isn't gone after the THOUSANDS of dollars that have been spent.
How many computer systems does this make now that AMHA has thrown money at and gotten nothing for it? Does anybody know? It's getting kind of ridiculous.

I would think that if it isn't going to work then cut your losses while you are ahead.

I would have hoped that there was a clause in the contract that covered for if the company didn't deliver what the promised when they promised it.

But I just went on the AMHA site and the link gone from their also.
I wish they would have cut their losses MUCH earlier! I cannot believe that if this IS true, that our AMHA management has let this happen and has chosen to continue to sink thousands upon thousands of membership $$$$ into this system even after the deadlines came and went, and there was nothing to show for the thousands upon thousands already spent.

The Board spent $119,998 (see year end audit on last year of the members money on computer software that was supposed to be state of the art, it was to handle all of AMHA's needs, it would make money for AMHA and would eliminate the number of employees needed in the office. So where is it now?

How is it that the same system that was purchased by AMHR up and running for them? It wad purchased only one month after AMHA purchased theirs. Something is just not right, and we the membership should demand answers. We should all write to our directors and all officers today and not stop until we get to the truth.
I would think that if it isn't going to work then cut your losses while you are ahead.

I would have hoped that there was a clause in the contract that covered for if the company didn't deliver what the promised when they promised it.

But I just went on the AMHA site and the link gone from their also.
I wish they would have cut their losses MUCH earlier! I cannot believe that if this IS true, that our AMHA management has let this happen and has chosen to continue to sink thousands upon thousands of membership $$$$ into this system even after the deadlines came and went, and there was nothing to show for the thousands upon thousands already spent.

The Board spent $119,998 (see year end audit on last year of the members money on computer software that was supposed to be state of the art, it was to handle all of AMHA's needs, it would make money for AMHA and would eliminate the number of employees needed in the office. So where is it now?

How is it that the same system that was purchased by AMHR up and running for them? It wad purchased only one month after AMHA purchased theirs. Something is just not right, and we the membership should demand answers. We should all write to our directors and all officers today and not stop until we get to the truth.
I HAVE just sent an e-mail to Jody.....she'll know what's going on.
If AMHA is into trashing things... I hope they also TRASH the Base of the Withers rule (that allows TALLER horses in). They can do this if they want to.. I think it is TIME to LISTEN to what the MEMBERS WANT...
[SIZE=18pt]I'm definitely with you ALL the way, on that, MaryLou!

Great minds think alike!
Wow you guys... chill out. I am not an AMHA member, and have only ever owned one AMHA registered horse, but still.

Perhaps there is a computer glitch. Let's wait to flip out until we get the facts, as gossip and rumor will get you nowhere.

I don't think anyone's "flipping" out don't read something into the posts that isn't there. We are just reacting to what we DO know (AMHA is gone from Horsestudbook online, and the link is gone from the AMHA site) Whether or not the whole program has been "trashed" is still to be determined. Like I said....I have e-mailed Jody, and I'm sure she will be able to give us the true "scoop" on this situation.
I heard the AMHR is using the same system... Theirs is working just fine from what I understand...Is there anyone here from AMHR that knows more, if it is working or not? No wonder the fees keep going up if we keep paying for systems that never get used.. :DOH!
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I've been paying my $25.00 to AMHA for the REAL Stud Book whick is definitely the BEST in my book !!!

The studbook is working just fine for the AMHR/ASPC . I was on the site yesterday and again this morning checking things. In fact you can see many show managers are currently using the program. It is odd that the AMHA logo was there yesterday morning and was not as of last evening or today. All the other breed registries are listed on the site.

I am not sure anyone is "flipping out" but I can surely understand concern when your entire registry doesnt show up at all on the studbook
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Well there ya go! :DOH!
So now after spending $350,000, for one computer system, $119,998 for another, nearly a half million dollars later, including interest, we still have the old computer system. Isn't that just great to know that is where our supporting $$$ are going...right down the drain!

It is time all members get involved and start holding the directors and officers accountable. Insist they start keeping all the members informed of their decisions. One way to do this is to insist the Board write an amendment to allow the members to vote by mail, and present it at the June meeting to be voted on in 2009, before they either send us into bankruptcy or the loss of a lot more members and horses registered with AMHA.

Remind them what the treasurer said in his statement in the Horse World that registrations

are down almost $100,000 in 2007.

How does the AMHA expect to get new members or keep the ones they have now, when the members are not informed of how their money is being spent, bad decisions are made, directors and officers do not respond to members when we contact them with problems. A good example of total craziness is the recent passing of the base of the withers measuring rule. This change could destroy AMHA!!
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I am saddened, but as someone who IS an AMHA member of VERY long-standing (which makes what goes on there MY business, as it is of EVERY AMHA member!!)--I am no longer surprised by this kind of occurance--it HAS happened my recent reading back through AMHA information sent to me(they used to be MUCH more communicative, IMO) has strongly reminded me!

No, this has not been confirmed factually just yet-and yes, I'd already heard the 'rumor' also--but had not commented,for that reason. What are AMHA members SUPPOSED to think??-when the site is not accessible to them, the link has disappeared from the AMHA website,and the AMHA icon is GONE from the Horsestudbook site(all FACTS that have been so far reported on this thread so far)!

How is it that the AMHR, who is also contracted to use the same system, seems to be using it successfully? Someone--Belinda?--who has more knowledge of that--maybe could come and comment on how that system is working for them?

I wonder--how the HECK long are AMHA members supposed to continue to sit still for bad decisions, lack of OVERSIGHT, lack of FORESIGHT, and in large part, lack of complete and timely communication with members, on the part of those who are 'in charge' of 'running the show' at AMHA?? I FULLY understand that these positions are neither simple nor easy,but you know, people should KNOW THAT when they step up to run for office or to volunteer, because it surely is not any SECRET that such a job takes time, committment, and what should be, selfless dedication! I am not pointing a finger at ANY ONE in particular, but at a system and organization that clearly, IS NOT WORKING AS IT SHOULD for the best interests of the membership AS A WHOLE!!

I can't think of a better example than the 'looming' "base of the withers" notion! I can hardly imagine ANYTHING where there seems to have been LESS forethought given to the many possible drawbacks and negative effects to the organization and its members than THAT pointless alteration of the very foundation on which AMHA was built!! Are papers to be 'corrected'; who will pay? How is the certainty that SOME horses that were formerly TOO TALL by AMHA rules will now be 'magically' of LEGAL height be addressed, while still officially proclaiming that 'no AMHA horse is over 34" in height', PERIOD? Who is going to decide EXACTLY where this elusive 'place' is on a horse?If this is allowed to go into effect-- how does AMHA treat those who, being completely HONEST, formerly 'turned in' papers on horses that were minimally, but truly, over 34" in height by the ORIGINAL standard? The list of potential 'cons' is nearly endless; I can't THINK of anything to add to a list of 'pros'--except maybe to benefit those who have 'tall' horses....should the organization be behind Bylaw changes to benefit 'a few', then?? The upcoming June BOD meeting thread is a reminder--this does not HAVE to go into effect as now scheduled; at the very LEAST, it should be set-aside for an actual CONSIDERATION of all of the above-mentioned issues(and I know there are even more!) This change could ruin AMHA! Here is direct quote from a letter on the AMHA letterhead to all members from the then-AMHA President, dated 12/6/1993--from my personal files:

"The old saying, "History repeats itself" could not apply to any organization better than ours for each year we pass certain procedures or regulations with no thought whatsoever given to their implementation."

Isn't it about time the entire membership is empowered to become involved, to try and prevent this kind of thing from occuring, again and again?

Here are some statistics---The Treasurer's report in 2007 stated that registrations were down by almost $100,000. According to the 2003 year end audit(and a letter to members from the then-President, dated 4/12/2004, in my files), the AMHA ended 2003 with a loss of -$385,000. Part was due to 'overspending' and other issues with the then Executive Secretary, part apparently because the BOD voted that year to spend $350,000 for another state of the art computer system, voting also to borrow the money using the AMHA office building, land and all office furniture and fixtures as collateral....

Yes, certain members 'stepped up', helped AMHA dig its way out of THAT particular hole---and yes, there is 'fault to be found'(yes, I know--an UNDERSTATEMENT!?) with certain now-departed formerly hired and paid, 'executives' (L.K, and D.M.)---I won't say more. BUT, someone has to be 'minding the store', making sure that people are doing the job they contracted for and are being PAID to do, surely!!

Here we are, as members of the AMHA---nearly a HALF MILLION dollars spent in the past 3-4 years, and still, no needed 'state of the art' computer system in place at AMHA--only what is now an 'antique' computer system?

Does anyone else think it is TIME for the members to DEMAND more of a voice(via a voting system for ALL qualifed members), to REQUIRE more and better oversight, more informed and well-planned decision-making, rules that are as DEMOCRATIC and even-handed as humanly possible, better and more open communication, from those who are there to serve their constituents? That is certainly NOT too much to ask, is it?

I know this is long; appreciation to those who are committed enough to read it all! I believe these are things that NEED to be brought up, and be 'aired out' and discussed. (and I will add--I always read EVERY post in a thread if I read one at all; how else would I know what people feel, think, have to offer?)

Margo (AMHA member since 1985)

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