Is the HorseStudBook online not working?

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BRAVO Margo!!

Does anyone else think it is TIME for the members to DEMAND more of a voice(via a voting system for ALL qualifed members), to REQUIRE more and better oversight, more informed and well-planned decision-making, rules that are as DEMOCRATIC and even-handed as humanly possible, better and more open communication, from those who are there to serve their constituents? That is certainly NOT too much to ask, is it?
And this, YES, [SIZE=12pt]YES [/SIZE], [SIZE=18pt]YES [/SIZE]!!!!!!!
It is well beyond time for this in both our registries!!
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Wow, Mona and Margo! I knew AMHA had spent alot of money on computer systems lately but had no idea it was close to half a million dollars!
So, I guess I might as well take the check I write for AMHA membership renewal and put it through my shredder and toss it in the trash instead of mail it in to AMHA. Apparantly, they will trash that money anyway so I might as well save them a step.

Yes, we need to ask our Directors AND the President. WHEN WILL THIS ALL END ?? When can you give a straight answer without having to check with everyone else first -- your Attorney, included ?? If you can't give a straight answer--maybe everything is NOT "straight" at the Registry. What else are we to think?
(This icon looks about right!!!)
Oh Diane, this point you made here is SOOOOOOOO, SOOOOOOOOOOO valid!!

So, I guess I might as well take the check I write for AMHA membership renewal and put it through my shredder and toss it in the trash instead of mail it in to AMHA. Apparantly, they will trash that money anyway so I might as well save them a step.
Yes, I think it is getting to that point where there are going to be a lot more people visiting their shredders!
:How does the AMHA expect to get new members or keep the ones they have now, when the members are not informed of how their money is being spent, bad decisions are made, directors and officers do not respond to members when we contact them with problems.
Well to be quite honest, they certainly don't seem to care what the general membership thinks. Too many people writing directors and not getting any answers at all or just another "fluff off" response. My "feeling'....and again it's just me from the years of watching all of this stuff come down, is that there are only a very small handful of people that really matter with AMHA. They don't want any of you interfering let alone having a say in anything that happens.

Does anyone else think it is TIME for the members to DEMAND more of a voice(via a voting system for ALL qualifed members), to REQUIRE more and better oversight, more informed and well-planned decision-making, rules that are as DEMOCRATIC and even-handed as humanly possible, better and more open communication, from those who are there to serve their constituents? That is certainly NOT too much to ask, is it?
Margo...........NO it certainly is not too much to ask for. It's time that EVERYONE stands up and just says enough is enough. Don't just sit back and think the other guys is going to do it for you.

Yes, we need to ask our Directors AND the President. WHEN WILL THIS ALL END ?? When can you give a straight answer without having to check with everyone else first -- your Attorney, included ?? If you can't give a straight answer--maybe everything is NOT "straight" at the Registry. What else are we to think? (This icon looks about right!!!)
I think this icon looks about right.
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I really can't speak for the computer system that has currently been discontinued, but I do know that the system that AMHA wants, needs, and has worked toward is much, much, much more than just a studbook, which, as far as I know, is what was just discontinued, since we already have an excellent studbook.

Eight years ago when I was President we started designing the "ideal" system which incorporated not only the studbook, but also on-line stallion reports, on-line registrations, on-line transfers. It also was to integrate our entire show system, bookkeeping system, point keeping, award designation tracking, and more. We took every department and brainstormed what was needed to incorporate every step that is taken in AMHA from the mailroom and followed every type of paper through its trail through the office until it was completed and sent back out. It is NOT a simple procedure and some of the intricacies of what we need seem not to be understood by some of the programmers that have worked the program over the years.

We have an excellent computer committee and I am sure that they had input into the decision to abandon the current trial when the programmer failed to proceed with the needed sections in a timely manner. Again, I am not presently involved so have no specific facts of the current situation other than it was not developing as it needed to to complete our goals.

There is so much history starting with our first PC at the office that it would be impossible and unwise to discuss at length here. We members can "demand" more of our directors and officers, but they are helpless when they are promised results and after thousands of dollars those promises are unfulfilled. Believe me, from over twelve years experience with or on the AMHA Board of Directors, there is not one person who has ever been on the board who does not want the system RIGHT, but there is also not one person who can do it alone. We have to rely on "experts", some of whom have let us down, others, in my opinion, that WE let down or did not give them the time that it took.

Please do not give up on AMHA. Unless you have been a part of the process you cannot possibly imagine the stress, disappointment and agony that the officers, office and Board go through trying to get the job done. They want it as much as YOU and are sick to death of failing for YOU and for THEMSELVES.

I will get off my soapbox and go away.
Eight years and half a million dollars later and no one has been able to put together a computer program for the AMHA?
I guess I am confused...I am able to log in to the AMHA studbook online just fine. What studbook are you referring to??
Here is what I don't understand. AMHA's needs/wants are no different then many other registries. Why not find a program that is already up and running and in existence and then purchase that one rather then trying over and over to invent one and then finding out thousands of dollars later it is not going to work.

While I am in full agreement the horsestudbook leaves alot to be desired I do know at least show managers are using it and many I have talked to do like that portion of it.

Just seems to me that perhaps they should realize that if they have tried to re invent the wheel and lost thousands of our dollars they should try another approach being that they are already losing revenue in registration monies.

Many see this as bashing but at what point do members have any say how many times do thousands of dollars need to be wasted, thrown out as if the $ don't matter before someone says I guess members do have a right to be involved cause whatever we are doing has obviously not been working for this registry.
Here is what I don't understand. AMHA's needs/wants are no different then many other registries. Why not find a program that is already up and running and in existence and then purchase that one rather then trying over and over to invent one and then finding out thousands of dollars later it is not going to work.
Well, from what I hear AMHR bought the same system as AMHA.

So why is this same system purchased by AMHR one month later than AMHA purchased it, up and running for them? Something is just not right, and the membership should demand answers.
It is possible that the scope of the project is just too large to be contained in a single system. At least in an affordable way.

I am in computing as a system analyst at a very large company. So many times management decides that we need to reduce the number of systems by purchasing or building some enormous system that will perform all of that functionality. It is a huge undertaking, and I personally have never seen a project like this succeed to the level the planners scope to. Some come online with reduced functionality, and others just simply go away. This has happened at every tech company I have ever worked at.

I think if the AMHA membership decides (as a body) to build a new system to replace this failed one, it would behoove us to hire an outside consulting firm to determine the feasibility of doing it within a specified budget. A consulting firm that does NOT have a vested interest in whether it actually is built or not. I am sure there are performance requirements in the contract we had with horsestudbook, and if they said they could build this system and failed to perform, there could be a judgement against them. There are complicating factors in my mind, because this firm is located outside of the US borders. I don't know whether that would pose a problem or not. I am also not sure that all of the project requirements were properly documented along the way. I was on the computer committee last year, and there were some minor communications about this situation, but actually very little. I was not able to attend the June meeting, but my recollection is there wasn't a quorum in place to determine anything. There were no scheduled teleconferences between committee members, and the email sent out was more in the line of updates on the situation. The committee chair stepped down before the convention. I did ask to see the project plan at one point, and no one responded. Whether that is because there wasn't one, or whether they just thought it was none of my business, I don't know.

As far as I know, the computer committee makes recommendations to the board, who in turn make the decisions. So any (positive suggestions!) correspondence should go to the committee members as well as the board.

I will continue to be a member of AMHA, no question. I am showing AMHR only at this point, mainly because I have moved to the bigger horses for driving. I also have a few that could possibly be hardshipped in to AMHA...I will definitely hardship my stallion when he is five, but I am still undecided on my mare or mares. Since I will probably be breeding them to AMHR or AMHR/ASPC stallions for the most part, I will probably pass on that.

I wish us all the best of luck in achieving that which we desire in our reqistry and the systems it runs on. We are really going to need a lot of positive energy working together to make it all happen.
I understand that AMHA is trying to have a program to do everything they want but I am kinda curious why we cant have a program like the paint horse association has.They can even submit registrations online. Studbook which is or was included with membership plus also has access to show points etc..etc... I just dont understand the problems.. It is very disturbing that our money gets thrown out the window.

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