I live in NC and we have had some really nice days lately to drive. Was in the 60's today. Sunny and the perfect weather. I didn't drive because I had too many things to do. It is hunting season too, so can't go out on our usual trail so would have to trailer in to a friends farm to drive that has a great ring and lots of trails where no hunting is allowed.
My question: Do you drive when it is really cold out (40 degrees) I know that isn't cold to everyone (I am originally from NY and we rode in the indoor ring when it was -12 outside). Do you put a half-sheet on your horse to slowly warm them up and do you do a special clip to help cool them off faster with all their winter coat. I have my horse clipped under the belly where the girth goes, in-between the front legs and up the front of the neck to the face. He still looks like a little yak but is still warm enough with that little of a clip that he doesn't need a blanket on. He is stalled at night.
As I look back at what I have written and rambling on......What do you do to keep you and your horse fit during the cold winter months?
Thanks for letting me ramble.....

My question: Do you drive when it is really cold out (40 degrees) I know that isn't cold to everyone (I am originally from NY and we rode in the indoor ring when it was -12 outside). Do you put a half-sheet on your horse to slowly warm them up and do you do a special clip to help cool them off faster with all their winter coat. I have my horse clipped under the belly where the girth goes, in-between the front legs and up the front of the neck to the face. He still looks like a little yak but is still warm enough with that little of a clip that he doesn't need a blanket on. He is stalled at night.
As I look back at what I have written and rambling on......What do you do to keep you and your horse fit during the cold winter months?
Thanks for letting me ramble.....