Today I had my first experience in foaling. I got my mini last year in July and the gal I got her from said she might be bred, no idea when as she was a pasture horse. Well it didn’t take me long to find out she was definitely pregnant, but no idea when she was due. I looked for classic signs, watched a lot of videos on YouTube and read like nobody’s business. I installed a barn camera a few days ago because I knew she was close. This morning I checked the camera and her water had just broke. I threw on my sweats, boots and jacket and ran out to the barn while texting my friend that has more experience with this. I did have to lend a hand because only one hoof was coming out but I managed to reach in and adjust her, and here she came. She’s perfect. I want to thank everyone that posts experiences and tips because it really helped me. I never thought I would be able to do what I did, but it was such an amazing feeling to help her. Mom and baby are doing great. I’m still on a natural high right now!!