:aktion033: Success!! It took her about 3 hours to find what she was looking for. This was an amazing experience (my first, Tacoma's first too). I was watching my web cam at work at noticed she was rubbing her butt on the stall, layed down and her legs flexed out. I dropped everything and raced home. It was the longest 12 minutes filled with too many Little-Gray-Haired-Old-Ladies from Pasadena that were IN MY WAY!!!
I made it just in time! Tacoma was laying...in her poop area...already with two feet and nose sticking out. Water hadn't broke yet. She got up and then went into her nice straw area and layed back down. Continued to push and so I tore open the bag and the waters came gushing out. She pushed a few more time and out came a beautiful sorrell pinto filly with Looong legs! The placenta came out almost immediately after that. After about 5 minutes, she wanted to stand and after many failed attempts, stood and the umbilical cord broke! Text Book Delivery! I was so nervous and I shook like crazy after it was all done. Tacoma was the calm one.
The only thing that wasn't text book was the pre-signs. Her bag was about much larger than the day before, but her appetite was big and poops were regular. There was no waxing or milk dripping or anything else that would have clued me in. THANK GOD FOR CAMERAS & FOAL ALERT! Our investment was justified!
Number two is at 306 days and counting! You can be sure I'll be watching VERY closely.
I thank everyone who I bugged endlessly about information and for everyone who posted questions that ultimately helped me learn. This website is unquestionably the best source of information from very caring people.
I'll post a picture tomorrow!