It's been a busy few months...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2004
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St.Marys, Ontario
It was a very, VERY bittersweet evening when I moved my 2 big guys home yesterday!!!!! After 30 some odd years of wanting a big horse here, it has finally happened. Though the ball started rolling April '10 when I was told by the people who owned the barn my guy was boarded at that they were selling everything, it took until about December, when I'd had enough and started making plans to move them home.

I spent over 15 years at the barn they were at, and I was, and continue to be, very close to the people who owned it (even though they now live on the other side of the country)....they were like my second parents, and the barn was more than just 'a barn'. It was the place I went to for was just sooo much more to me than many people realize. It was a dream of mine to be there, and I was absolutely devasted when they told me they were getting out of horses and selling the place. The last year has been a struggle...many ups and downs. A fabulous family from Winnipeg moved into the house with their 3 boys for a school term-to give their kids a new experience. They really made the last year do-able....and I don't think they realize how much I appreciated them. But even with them being there, it was hard for me to drive in there every day. The joy was gone....and the couple of boarders that we had in there were horse owners from heck...and completely turned me off boarding horses.

Of course spring was late this year, and we needed 'good' weather to start things off. We were converting a very, very old barn that had been housing pigs for the last 30 years, into a small horse barn-with 2 10x12 stalls, cross ties/wash stall, and a smaller area for the little horses...the rest for hay & bedding. So, first off, the cement wall had to be cut out, then we had to lift up the cement floor that had been poured for the pigs (and get rid of the foot and a half of sand underneath it). After the slabs of cement were removed, we had to jackhammer the aisle out (that's what I spent my Canada Day weekend doing....), fill in the gutter....THEN we could get started putting up stalls.....with numerous other jobs in between everything...2 paddocks had to be fenced off...and there are still things that need to be started and others that need to be finished. But it's safe for the boys to be here. Here are the last few months via pictures!







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Congratulations! You will LOVE having them at home, I know I miss having my boys at home. They look very happy and relaxed in their new home.
WOW! What a great lot of WORK!

The last set of pics make me smile (with tears) I'm SO happy for you having your horses home! There's nothing like horse heads poking out of stalls in a barn isle!

I remember and I could feel your heartache and pain in your posts. Some times life changes in ways so hard that it changes us.
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Your barn looks awesome!! The pics leading the horses to the barn and the one with their head sticking out the stall doors brought a tear to my eye. I can only imagine how happy you are!
Lots of work done, congratulations on getting your horses home. But I have to say, may favorite picture is the one with one of your dogs helping you with the mats. Priceless expression on that pretty face.
Thanks everyone....I still can't believe they are here (and at the moment, I'm watching them in the paddocks!!!)

It has been a tremendous amount of work, and I really appreciate all the time that my Dad has put in to helping me with it!

Lots of work done, congratulations on getting your horses home. But I have to say, may favorite picture is the one with one of your dogs helping you with the mats. Priceless expression on that pretty face.
That is my boy 'Cash'-registered name is Can CH Esrohollow's Priceless. He's almost 2....he sat by me the entire time I was working on that mat....drove me nuts after awhile because I kept having to move him so I could adjust things!!!!!

The last set of pics make me smile (with tears) I'm SO happy for you having your horses home! There's nothing like horse heads poking out of stalls in a barn isle!

I remember and I could feel your heartache and pain in your posts. Some times life changes in ways so hard that it changes us.
Thanks REO. I've had so many people say, 'it's just a job' or 'they're only horses'....very few have actually understood how the last year has been for me. I spent almost the entire day there yesterday, cleaning out the old hay out of the mow (hay that I didn't want to put up there in the first place, but the new owner knew better......), loading up my bedding to bring home, making sure I hadn't left anything behind....visiting a few friends who had crossed the rainbow bridge many years ago....oh it was a long day. I was in tears when we pulled out of the driveway last night....just brought everything back from when my friends moved last year....and I am soo, SOOOOO happy to have them home in my back yard, but soo sad to have left the brought a lot of finality to it all. The barn is empty....I don't know if he will ever rent it out, and it's such a shame, because it's a beautiful facility. The other downside to this all is I have to cut back on my minis. I don't have many, but I am just spread too thin....

I've never been one to welcome change, and that sure doesn't make all of this upheaval easier.

And on that note, I should bring the boys in, before Moose-man pulls another shoe because the bugs are too bad!
Did I mention how spoiled they are?

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Wow!! What an amazing transformation! It's just beautiful there! Your horses are gorgeous. Go make your dad some cookies and get ready to smile all day long because your friends are home.
What a terriic job!! you must be over the moon!! I love the old cement barns...they always seem a lot cooler inside. what a tremendous amount of work and hats off to your dad too!! I know it wont be long and you will be showing us pictures of your new dressage ring too!!Congratulations to you your dad and the four legged helpers!!
I know it wont be long and you will be showing us pictures of your new dressage ring too!!Congratulations to you your dad and the four legged helpers!!
hee,hee...yes...that is in the works! Waiting for the drainage guy to come and have another look!!!


What I'm really going to miss is an indoor.....not sure when I could afford that one though...

Its about time you showed up !!!

Holy cow Kate what changes in your life! You have been a very busy girl. The stalls look super wonderful and cozy and having the kids home is such a joy. I know things will settle down for you and you will be so happy!
Its about time you showed up !!!

Holy cow Kate what changes in your life! You have been a very busy girl. The stalls look super wonderful and cozy and having the kids home is such a joy. I know things will settle down for you and you will be so happy!
Thanks Marty!
We still have a lot to finish, but the boys are happy!! They sure are enjoying all the attention they are receiving...and it is VERY nice to not have to hop in the car (even though it was under 10 mins to get there) to clean stalls, feed twice a day, then do night check. You don't realize how much that does take out of your day, until you don't have to do it! Plus it's a heck of a lot easier on the dogs!! They are all enjoying the new routine. I do keep thinking I'm forgetting to do something though and the car hasn't moved for days!! LOL

Now to let them settle for a few more days, then get back to riding...which could prove interesting with these two!

Great job! We did a lot of renos to get ready for just having the minis here 6 years ago. So much work, but so satisfying.....
Congratulations!!! Great job and you will ♥♥♥ having your horses at home!!! WTG
Wow that made me tired looking at your photos alone! They look like they love it and it is a beautiful job!!!!! Congrats!
Wow that made me tired looking at your photos alone! They look like they love it and it is a beautiful job!!!!! Congrats!
You know I didn't realize how exhausted I was from all the work, and how much stress I was putting myself under until I got them home!! What a huge weight off my shoulders! And even knowing there are a lot of things that still need to be done, everything just feels a lot more relaxed.

The horses have been great, I've had them out far more than I was able to in the last year! So they are very happy (except Anoki who would really like to be able to graze without a stinkin' muzzle on)! Trying not to panic too much at the fact that my bedding supplier is now out of business....something will work out I'm sure!

But the horses are enjoying having more attention...not even attention, just people out and about, walking through the barn, puttering away at stuff out there...I'm not in such a rush to get in and out, so that I can get home and work (barn work and 'real' work)....waaaayyyyy more relaxed!

Hopefully later this week I'll get on them. I want them to settle in a bit before I try..and I have to figure out where will be a safe place to do it. They don't have the best record for being good hack horses!

Holy buckets! When I saw the first few pics (before I saw the finished barn), all I could think of was "devastation" and "how in the world will that mess ever become a good horse barn!

Well, you knocked me off my chair when I saw the end result! Just fabulous! Absolutely wonderful, and I think you did a fabulous job, and there is nothing better than being able to walk out into your own barn and see your own horses! Many congratulations! So beautiful!

And your black horse with the star looks so much like a wonderful Standarbred riding horse I had, that we lost four years ago due to a terrible colic.
Holy buckets! When I saw the first few pics (before I saw the finished barn), all I could think of was "devastation" and "how in the world will that mess ever become a good horse barn!

Well, you knocked me off my chair when I saw the end result! Just fabulous! Absolutely wonderful, and I think you did a fabulous job, and there is nothing better than being able to walk out into your own barn and see your own horses! Many congratulations! So beautiful!

And your black horse with the star looks so much like a wonderful Standarbred riding horse I had, that we lost four years ago due to a terrible colic.
I had a few people walk in and check it out when it was in the first stages and you could tell by the look on their faces that they didn't believe it would ever come out as anything! I knew it would, but would take a ton of work....I'm very happy with how it looks, and now to get all the little things finished up, it will make it look sooo much better! Thanks for the kind words about the barn!

The horse is Moose (reg name Wolfgang Amadeus). I gave him that nickname not long after he came to the barn (about 10 years ago)...he's kinda got a moose-like head!! LOL His one old owner was disgusted with the name, but his wife thought it was funny, and well the 2 of us kept calling him that, so it stuck!

Sorry to hear about your horse....that was one of my biggest worries about moving the 2 of them here....that they would get stressed out and have colic problems, etc....they have settled in SOOOOOOOO well. And the weirdest thing about it all is there is no calling back and forth from the minis!!!


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