Lisa, thank you so much for your donation and for remembering Chance. Gini,,,,thanks for supplying us with the whole story. I know it is does help many to understand the true meaning behind CMHR.
There are so many, many people behind the rescue,,,,some who do so much out of love for this wonderful breed and many who do it silently and without thank yous. To all of those who have ever contributed in any way shape or form,,,,,,,financially, fostering, book work, web site updates, transport, and anything else I may be missing. I can not thank you enough. The mini world is a much better place with all your love and giving. You guys are all the best and I am so proud to be a part of this wonderful group.
This Mission of Thanks was started as,,,and is, a very simple idea. Our first year we had a modest goal and we were told it just can't work. Well, it did and has continued to work for many years. Why,,,,the small amount we ask for can be met by most. Over the years I have received many, many emails from people who felt the dollar amount we asked for, they could do,,,,,,,,so many times large donations are asked for and even those who really want to help can not come up with a large amount. Our $3 allows most to help and mini owners themselves have expressed to me how good they feel to offer a donation, even if just the $3. It is their donation, and yours and mine all totaled, that makes the difference. We ALL make a difference.
Last year I received a email from a young women who wanted to let me know she only had $1.68 in her checking account left for the month,,,,,,,,,,she sent that $1.68 to CMHR. Of all the donations we have received,,,large and small, hers touched me the most. It was so much to her, the last dollar she had,,,,,to me it was priceless.
We are not asking for your last dollar,,,,,,,just $3,,,,,,,,,,,,and if all you can do is $3, know it is great,,,,,when combined with all others.