It's Pay Back Time!

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Active Member
Aug 28, 2003
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Well, the weather is finally cooler for windows to be opened at night and off with the AC. AND IT'S PAY BACK!! Some might remember me posting about how down here in Fl. they love their Guns, come the 4th of July & New Years they get too shooting them up in the air and later when drunk in all directions! All of my 4 leggers inside & out suffer through their silliness. Well now its our turn to make some noise, I put out the horse's drums!! I found that metal garbage can lids just tossed all in over the field & empty metal garbage cans that roll & make lots of noise sound wonderful at 2 & 4 AM when my guys start to toe tapping on them and boy they get going around 5am, so when a neighbor asks what are we building at that time I just laugh and say it's the Horse's celebrating the cooler weather it's THEIR 4th of July! and walk away knowing my guys got even
LOL, u sure got the gun shooting part right about this area. Im glad your mini gang is doing their part to get even.

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