I've got a secret!!!!!!!!!!!

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Awww...come on... tell us!
Please share with us! We can keep secrets real well...we won't tell a soul.... :lol:
That is sooo MEAN!! I Hate it when someone sayes "I got a secret" and dose not give it up!!

:lol: You meanie tease!
ok,..ok,...you guys win!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

I found my furbaby!!!!!!!!!,...finally,...YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:

ok,.....I am very excited,....She will be TOTALLY mine by Feburary 20th!!!!!!

but,..I am also VERY nervous,.......last night ,..after I talked with her owner,.....I told him that we were COMPLETELY ready for one now,..except ,...we dont have a fence up yet!!!,...Soooo,...he offered to keep her at his place until we could out a fence up(when the ground thawed)

but,....even without a fence,.just untill the ground thawed,...She has a HUGE box stall to play in ,..and I cant walk her outdoors and stuff,...ALL day long,...if I have too,..I am home all day anyway!!!,....It wouldnt be that bad,..only a couple more months!!!!!

soooo,..I TOLD him that I would DEFINITLY take her,.....and asked him what his name was for the money order,.....

Guess what he told me?

It is the same guy,...that I was gonna buy my first mini from out here,...remember ,..the one who never sent me a pic,..or returned my phone calls when I asked him about a contract for when I sent the money order!!!!!! :eek: :no:

I really want this mare,.....but,....Fred told me that I shouldnt trust this guy ,......maybe I should talk straight out with this man and tell him my fears,......I really want her!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know if this guy remembered me or not,.....I want this to work this time,..... Fred doesent think that we should let him keep her until spring either,...and he is worried that I will have sent this money order for nothing,...He said that it is a lot of money to lose and not get nothing in return.

but,..I am going to stay extremly hopeful,.......
I think hubbies right. If you pay for her don't let him keep her till Spring(he might just be tempted to sell her again!). Congrats, and I'm glad you spilled the beans!
Go get her....use electric wire for a temp fence, since you are home to watch her, etc. Put up permanent type after Spring thaw. Hey, many people use only electric. I have a field now that is only fenced with electric on 2 of 4 sides (it's a working project) and I frequently turn 15 mares into it. They are then brought back to a full fenced area at night. Works great!
Congratulations on your new Mini! Don't forget to post pictures when you get her home!
Many Congrats on your new litttle one! Don't forget to get the whole thing in writing!

And I agree about the temp fencing. With some T-posts and Tape electric fencing you can put together a paddock for him fairly quickly.

I say if you can walk her every day, bring her home and let her stay in the box stall until you put up a fence!! I have bad feelings about this guy and as someone mentioned he could sell her again and what if THAT person comes to pick her up right away? Bring her home and give her the love she deserves!! it's not bad to live in a stall for a month!!
This guy ,..last time,...He wouldnt return my calls after I had asked him for a written contract,.....

maybe,...he doesent do the written contract thing,...but,...He couldve at least called me back and told me,...I think?

Also,...We dont have a horse trailer,...sooo,...We would have to get him to deliver her,.......but,...I am thinking that with no contract and my money in his pocket,...maybe he wouldnt even bring her out,....


I just dont want anything to go wrong,..sooo,..I am trying to think of the worst case senario,....but,....maybe I am worrying for nothing,...

What would you guys do!!

Also,..he told me she WAS bred,...a few days ago,........I mentioned it again the other day,...and now,..She is just exposed???,......

Not,..that it bothers me,..but,...I am just wondering why he cant keep his story straight?

I'm just wondering what about this guy's ads attracted you and why you would consider "dealing" with him after the last time when you were so unhappy.

Not being judgemental, just curious.

If it were me, I would suggest a "deposit" with the full bablance paid when he delivers her so at least you wouldn't be out the entire purchase price if this falls through.

However I would be reluctant to leave a deposit without at least a written receipt if he doesn't want to mess with a sales contract. Without a contract you really simply have no options if the mare isn't what she was advertised to be. Have you seen her in person?

As far as being "bred" and "exposed" I have found that a lot of folks who breed their mares consider them "bred" and "exposed" simply means she wasn't checked by a vet so they are not guaranteeing that she is bred.
Hi Anne,... :saludando:

I found his ad in the Western Producer,..and he didnt have his name in the ad,.....I only asked for his name after I said that I would take her,....so I could put a name on the money order,..( I know,..stupid of me)

No,..I have not seen her in person,..and I know this is NOT the right thing to do,..but,...anyone that knows me ,..knows that I want a horse to love and call my own,..that I do quite often "Jump" without thinking,....It has got me in hot water before,..and you would think that I would learn forn my mistakes but,...I never seem to do,......


All I know is that I soooo very much do want a baby of my own,..to pal around with and to love and care for.

It doesent matter to me if she is exposed, or bred, or not bred,..I was just trying to give an example of him not being true to his story at any given time,...

I have been thinking about this since it all happened yesterday,..and trying to sort out what is the right thing to do,..but,...you NEVER know what is the right answer till you do it,..but,..then it may be to late!,..*sigh*

But,..thanks for the adivce on the deposit thing
,..I will think on that for a bit,...He did tell me that He wants a SIZEABLE deposit,..hmmmm,..wonder what that could be?

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