ok,..ok,...you guys win!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
I found my furbaby!!!!!!!!!,...finally,...YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:
ok,.....I am very excited,....She will be TOTALLY mine by Feburary 20th!!!!!!
but,..I am also VERY nervous,.......last night ,..after I talked with her owner,.....I told him that we were COMPLETELY ready for one now,..except ,...we dont have a fence up yet!!!,...Soooo,...he offered to keep her at his place until we could out a fence up(when the ground thawed)
but,....even without a fence,.just untill the ground thawed,...She has a HUGE box stall to play in ,..and I cant walk her outdoors and stuff,...ALL day long,...if I have too,..I am home all day anyway!!!,....It wouldnt be that bad,..only a couple more months!!!!!
soooo,..I TOLD him that I would DEFINITLY take her,.....and asked him what his name was for the money order,.....
Guess what he told me?
It is the same guy,...that I was gonna buy my first mini from out here,...remember ,..the one who never sent me a pic,..or returned my phone calls when I asked him about a contract for when I sent the money order!!!!!!
I really want this mare,.....but,....Fred told me that I shouldnt trust this guy ,......maybe I should talk straight out with this man and tell him my fears,......I really want her!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know if this guy remembered me or not,.....I want this to work this time,..... Fred doesent think that we should let him keep her until spring either,...and he is worried that I will have sent this money order for nothing,...He said that it is a lot of money to lose and not get nothing in return.
but,..I am going to stay extremly hopeful,.......