Jail Break!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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Today I decided I was going to start cleaning out my minis paddock. It has been thawing out, so some new buried treasures are surfacing, and it's time to remove them.

So I go into Spyder and Cinnabar's pen with my wheelbarrow and I latch the gate by putting the chain on a nail. Then I start cleaning. Anyways for the first little while everything is going fine. Cinnabar starts investigating the gate while I am cleaning. He isn't really doing anything so I didn't really pay it any attention.

The next time I look over...THE GATE IS OPEN! :new_shocked: Everything seemed to go in slow motion, Cinnabar stands at the open gate, looks around and then books it out of the pen like his tail is on fire. Spyder who was casually dozing, is suddenly awakened and he sprints out of the pen after his brother.

At this point I am freaking out, and I don't have my brains with me. We live in a semi-rural neighborhood, all the houses are on large lots (1-3 acres), but it is a packed neighborhood and on a busy road.

I take off after Spyder and Cinnabar, and I do hope that no one was around to hear me swearing after them. Spyder and Cinnabar have headed down the main road, into on coming traffic running as fast as their tiny little legs will carry them.

No body is home, so there is no care for me to take and go after them. So I have to run. I am not in any shape to be sprinting after horses, but I do my best anyways. It wasn't very long before I lost sight on them. I had to rely of pssing motorists pointing in the direction of my dilinquent equines.

I walked for about an hour and a half and I was beginning to get really worried. If they ran too far they would end up on the highway. Everytime I walked around another corner I prepared myself (as terrible as it sounds) to see my horses run over by a car on the street or something. It really was enough to make me sick to my stomach.

Anyways, I am loosing track of them and I am about to go and call for some help when I see Spyder and Cinnabar in somebody's fenced in backyard, playing with some kids. RELIEF! I found my horses! Spyder and Cinnabar were safely locked in someones backyard, playing with three delighted kids. Their mother was kind enough to give me a ride home where I called my horsey friend to bring her truck over to give Spyder and Cinnabar a lift home. The kids wer ereally happy to be able to have horses in their backyard a little while longer.

To make a long story short, I got Spyder and Cinnabar home safely. Spyder and Cinnabar now sport some fancy braids and girly ribbons from the kids and I am just really glad that nothing happened to them! I have learned my lesson and I will now latch my gate properly every single time I open and close it! I consider myself and my horses lucky that someone was able to catch them and keep them safe for me while I looked for them!

As I write this Spyder and Cinnabar are waiting expectantly by the gate for their next chance at a great escape.
Sounds like you had a close call! I'm glad everyone is okay and safely home :bgrin ......and that you didn't have to learn that lesson in a very painful way. :eek:
Thank goodness your babies were found and are home safely. :aktion033:
I know this could have been a very serious incident indeed, and I'm so happy that your minis are safe, but I have to say another part of me is chuckling thinking of the delight those 2 must have felt to have such FREEDOM! :bgrin
It's amazing how far your legs can carry you when you are in a panick!

I would have been a mess....crying..running...crying some more...running, falling over...still crying ..(you get the picture)
I know from first hand experience how frightening (and tiring) this situation can be. So thankful you found your babies safe and sound.


I know exactly how you feel. A few years back I was sleeping, my minis were at my grandmothers next door, next thing I knew my younger brother woke me out of a dead sleep and said my minis were 2 miles from home, this was hunting season and dawn was not to far off and we have some itchy trigger fingers here, my dad lost a calf to a hunter. So I ran out of bed, raced to the barn, grabbed a bucket of grain and a bunch of lead ropes, and drove my car to where the minis were last seen. A hunter was there making sure traffic slowed down and were aware. It was still dark out so I rattled the feed bucket and heard whinnies and trotting hooves towards me. Well I caught all the escape artists but one as I didn't hav eenough leads but figured she would follow the rest which she did. My older brother came and helped me lead the minis to the barn and my mom drove my car to the barn and my younger brother drove his car. Come to find out the hook on the gate came right out of the post, so ever since I tie a leadrope around teh gate and post to be on safe side. I now no longer live nextdoor to my grandmothers but 35 minutes away at my own place.

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