I would re-organise your day tomorrow and leave it completely free (surely the kiddies will understand?) as if you dont get a foal tonight, then she may give you a day time foaling! Anything is possible from now on.
Is she quite relaxed with you being near her/in and around her stall at night? This is where it helps if you have been making regular night time visits to her and sharing a few scratches/friendly chat - mares that have been visited are a lot more relaxed when you are in their stall as they are foaling. When you see the little white 'bubble' appear during contractions, dont hang back! Get quietly as close as you can and when you see the feet appear (one will be slightly in front of the other to be correct) then, if she will allow you, feel gently inside up along the front of the now appearing legs to see if you can feel the little snub of a nose coming. Finding the nose means that all is well at this stage an that you are good to go - or rather she is! If you want to help further - always a good idea - then simply hold the legs half way up he cannon bones and GENTLY keep some pressure there as each contraction comes, guiding the legs down towards her hocks not straight out towards you. The head should clear her vulva next, then the shoulders and finally the hindquarters. Keep the baby curving round Jewel's body so that the front legs are almost level with her front legs - she will be able to reach baby's muzzle once she sits up and reaches round - and the hind feet are either still just inside her or just clear of her. As soon as the hindquarters clear the vulva, then take a moment to clear the bag off the baby's head as she/he will now need to take that important first breath.
Do you have a bottle of something to swab the cord with when it breaks? It is always good if the mare will stay laying down for a while to allow the blood to run through the cord from her to her new baby, then the cord will break naturally as the mare gets up. But some mares rush to their feet and the cord gets snapped quickly. Not to worry, but you may see a fair amount of blood coming from the mare's end of the cord - this will stop on its own, but you may need to pinch the foal's end of the cord between your fingers to stop any blood leaking back from her/him - should seal in a few moments but if not, have a thin piece of string (or similar) handy, dip it in your 'swab bottle' to disinfect it and tie it tightly round the end of the cord. Bleeding will stop and the cord stub plus the string will fall off naturally in a few days.
While the foal is lying there, dont forget to check for the sex as you swab the cord - easier to do now before the foal gets up! Then give the foal a bit of a rub down with a dry towel to encourage circulation. It's good if you can get all this done before Jewel gets to her feet - once up she may well not want you interferring with her baby, do be careful as, while a lot of mares are happy to have you near their babies, a lot of mares become very protective for a few days after the birth - a very natural instinct!
Sorry, I seem to have had one of my 'rambling sessions' again LOL!! Will just add my good wishes for a safe and smooth foaling and a healthy little baby! Good luck!!