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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2007
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Winchester, IL
got a call from an attorney about 20 miles from me in the opposite direction from where i go now. he is looking for a part-time secretary, just 2-3 days a week. he was ready to hire me on the phone but i insisted on a face-to-face visit. we have yet to discuss $$$!! he's a solo practitioner, does a lot of criminal work which is what i do in my sleep! if he makes me an offer i can live with, this would be PERFECT for me. he said i would set my own hours, my own days. there's just one other secretary in his office and from my conversations on the phone with her, she seems very nice.

also got a call from the circuit clerk at the courthouse in the county where i work now. she said if i was interested in working for her, she would go straight to the county board and ask for permission to hire me. this would, however, be full time and the courthouse employees are union so i would not have anywhere near the freedom i need to cope with farm chores and the ever-present possibility of an emergency animal situation. plus, there are 6 other women in her office and we all know what happens when there are THAT many women together 5 days/week! not sure i could handle the inevitable back-stabbing. been there, done that, didn't like it the first time! i've known them all for many years but knowing and working with are two different things.

i'll let you know if he offers me enough $$$ to make it worth my while to make a 40 mile round trip several days a week!
Good luck - hope the $$$ is sufficient. Part-time sounds perfect, plus sounds like it would be really flexible.

Yeah Charlene, I hope the pt works out. sounds like less stress..

Good luck
Good luck!

Waiting to hear how it went.
thanks, everybody! it went well. he didn't balk at my salary requirement. when he asked what i would need and i told him, i also indicated that he's getting a LOT of experience. he laughed and said he wasn't interviewing me about experience, he knows i can do this stuff in my sleep. his main concern was could he afford me.

he did say that he had a call from another woman several weeks ago, right before i called him. he had not yet talked to her but felt obligated to at least do that. i agreed, told him to let me know his decision. he said he could say with almost 100% certainty that he would be calling me back to tell me the job is mine so we'll just have to see. i could do 2 or 3 days/week, flexible hours, etc. so it would be pretty perfect! he also didn't have a problem with me giving liz a month or so to help her close things down and in fact, it was his suggestion.

i do feel somewhat obligated to liz to help her as much as i can. she has been so good to me over the last 5 years and i would like to see it go smoothly for her. amy broke some news to us yesterday morning...she has been going through the channels necessary to have bariatric surgery. she's going for the whole bypass thing. in the next 2 months, she has appointments scheduled for at least one day out of each week and of course, she will still take her regular day off so i don't look to get much help from her. some things just never change, do they?

thanks for the good luck wishes! keep your fingers crossed a few days longer.
Prayers said and fingers crossed!


Good for you, sounds like it would work out great for you since you could pick your days/hours etc......

Sorry that Amy is sticking it to you again, but I guess I can't say I am surprised.....guess there is a last episode to "as the stomach churns".......
Charlene I hope the job works out for you, it sounds ideal as you would have the flexibility to look after your critters and yet earn enough money to pay your way. Got my fingers crossed

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!

I sure hope Amy gets her life together she has children to care for. How will she get a job with her work record?
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!
I sure hope Amy gets her life together she has children to care for. How will she get a job with her work record?
thanks again, everybody.

i really don't know, cyndi. amy has a lot of issues. being the person liz is, she will give amy a good reference even though her heart won't be in it.

amy also told me something the other day that just blew my hair back. her daughter has been having UTI's, one after another. she is 15. she is dating an 18 year old guy. amy thinks she might have an allergy to latex. i don't think i have to spell it out for you. i almost fell out of my chair. she's FIFTEEN!!! FIFTEEN!!!!! why this shocks me, i don't know. i couldn't even respond to her. i just sat there, wide-eyed.
legally, he is a child molester.

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