Job Outsourcing

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2004
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Donie TX
Love the Dell commercial 'Hello, this is Dell, what can we build for you today?' , spoken by miss America. What a load. We have ordered several puters over the years from Dell. However you can no longer talk to anyone in America and if you have any hearing loss at all, its darn near impossible to understand some of them now. Hubby had a heckofa time ordering a harddrive, they kept wanting to 'fix' the puter. So harddrive comes and its not compatible, even though hubby told them what model we have. Anyhow.

I wonder when someone that can do something will realize that we are loosing the middle class? All the CEO's etc care about is the bottom line and the stock holders. Very few care about the employees at all. They are trying to cut out retirements, health insurance and of course jobs. Hubbys employer doesnt allow employees to get retirement pay unless they worked within the 5 years before retirement. Doesnt matter if they worked 30 years and were layed off or 'fired' 5 years and 2 days before retirement. And I know that isnt an odd thing now adays.

When will it end? Has all this outsourcing or job cuts effected you? How can we stop it? btw, hubby told Dell to pick up the new harddrive and he'll go else where.
I SO agree with you. I am so TIRED of the outsourcing. We are losing plants so fast from the US. Where I used to work (I'm retired, have a very small 401K) they are building plants outside of the US. Many reasons, but bottom line is money! Thanks to Clinton for allowing this to happen. Anyway, I really don't know how we can stop this. I used to be proud to vote, but now I only vote so I can complain.
: I figure if you don't vote, you have no right to complain. Sure wish we could have some 'heros' step up to the plate!

I understand what you are saying. I work for a utility company that has tried to outsource most of the IT department to India. It is not working well at all. This is the second year into it. The company is paying for untrained people who you cannot understand. Basicly, the company line is "they want to be able to staff up and staff down quickly". Well, guess what, we are staffing up for projects in the new year with American subcontractors who can actually do the work and who people can understand. The America subcontractors are not going to work for peanuts either. The India contractors work about 1/3 of what an America IT professional makes.

I don't think it will stop until people stop buying the products and start complaining so much it hurts the "bottom line". Unfortunately, I own a Dell as my personal computer so I am in the same boat as you if

I have a problem with it. Next time I buy a PC I will try my best to find a company that has not outsourced its service. It goes against what I believe and it is not helping America. I came very close to loosing my job so I have seen how it really hurts.

I can tell you one thing, just my little stand against outsourcing but my new computer will not be a Dell even tho this one is a Dell.

Many are to blame. I think it really started with Reagans Trickle Down Economics. Great idea, IF those at the top have the morals to allow it to trickle down. But, alas they dont. They figure if there is anything left to trickle, might as well trickle on into their own accounts. So this began the slash and cut and burn of everything that was even remotely expendable. Along with any last fiber of morality they had left. Think Enron, American Airlines, Worldcomm and on and on. When will it stop? When its too late. When we are a nation of wealth and poverty with nothing in between. When even a college degree is worth less than the paper its on. Oh wait, thats kinda already happening :no:

Wonder if there is a website with a list of all the companies that now outsource? Wonder if there is one for all the other companies who hate their employees. Like Firestone, they had some workers go on stike at a plant and instead of working things out, closed the plant. nice huh? Wont be buying Dell and surely wont be buying Firestone products.

Capitalism is all fine and dandy when those that are in power have morals. When they dont, we end up in the sinking ship and the 'moral' few take off in the life raft.
Many are to blame. I think it really started with Reagans Trickle Down Economics. Great idea, IF those at the top have the morals to allow it to trickle down. But, alas they dont. They figure if there is anything left to trickle, might as well trickle on into their own accounts. So this began the slash and cut and burn of everything that was even remotely expendable. Along with any last fiber of morality they had left. Think Enron, American Airlines, Worldcomm and on and on. When will it stop? When its too late. When we are a nation of wealth and poverty with nothing in between. When even a college degree is worth less than the paper its on. Oh wait, thats kinda already happening :no:

Wonder if there is a website with a list of all the companies that now outsource? Wonder if there is one for all the other companies who hate their employees. Like Firestone, they had some workers go on stike at a plant and instead of working things out, closed the plant. nice huh? Wont be buying Dell and surely wont be buying Firestone products.

Capitalism is all fine and dandy when those that are in power have morals. When they dont, we end up in the sinking ship and the 'moral' few take off in the life raft.

:aktion033: :aktion033:



dell absolutely has to be one of the worst. since they outsourced to india where people work for pennies a day you cannot get any customer service. Last time i called the man spoke NO english and we could not communicate at all. It was a mess. I finally gave up and hung up. I will NEVER buy anything dell again.
Dell is suppose to be coming back to Tennessee due to all the complaints they have had from customers in regards to this matter. I am one of those who have complained.

If I have to call for support, the first thing I ask is if I am speaking to someone in America like I did when I originally purchased my computer. And if I am not, I ask to speak to someone who is or at least someone who can speak English clearly. They are always very nice in transferring me to someone else.
Well if not that 400 dollar or less computer would be back into the 1K's, Need any more reasons??

When I had trouble with my Dell I called and Yes it was in India someplace. He was Soooo nice and soooo helpful got me started and then CALLED ME back to see how things were going~! I will Never kick on service like that~!!!! This was a Complete Re Format of the hard drive so it took several hours to get things back in. But WOW he was so nice and helpful and kind and concerned~~!
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Yes, they are polite, yes they will call back, but at what cost? Not all can speak conversational english, some have such an accent that you can hardly understand them to begin with. Dell isnt the only reason why puters are cheaper now and if you went by their formula , outsourcing to make them cheaper they would be even more so. However when these companies outsource they pocket the difference and DO NOT pass along that savings. Think Harley Davidson and its foreign parts, Chevy sending frames to Mexico. Are those products any cheaper because of that?
Yes, they are polite, yes they will call back, but at what cost? Not all can speak conversational english, some have such an accent that you can hardly understand them to begin with. Dell isnt the only reason why puters are cheaper now and if you went by their formula , outsourcing to make them cheaper they would be even more so. However when these companies outsource they pocket the difference and DO NOT pass along that savings. Think Harley Davidson and its foreign parts, Chevy sending frames to Mexico. Are those products any cheaper because of that?
But the thing is, the company's obligation is to their stockholders. I do think if they were not able to outsource some of these jobs and functions, then the prices of the products would be higher. I don't know the answer, but I do know the "why" of it all. Plus, though lots of people complain about things made or serviced outside of the country, when it comes to spending money, almost all of us do look for the best item for the least money. Can't have it both ways.
when i bought my first dell their customer service was here in the states. if i had known before i bought the second and third one I would have never bought them.

I am willing to pay a higher price then have no customer service. im also willing to pay a higher price to keep the jobs here in the states. nothing against people who live in india but they are not the majority who buy the computers.

in contrast we always try to spend our money locally to support our own towns. yes things cost more local then going to a big city but i try to support my neighbors and people who live in my town
Many companies that outsource DO NOT pass on that savings, they pocket it themselves. Yes they owe stockholders but if it werent for their employees, they would have no stockholders.

Example: American Airlines talked their pilots into taking pay cuts then come to find out the CEO's etc gave themselves even larger bonuses that year.

Example: Firestone had some plant workers strike, so they closed that plant down.

Example: a national Rail Road had some workers strike, so they sold off that one branch to a company that pays almost 1/2 the wage. Payroll is THE smallest cost to that railroad yet they mess over the employees all the time. Its nothing for hubby to get paid for a job he ran 3,4 or even 5 years ago. That is called withholding pay and should be illegal.

Like I said, capitalism is all well and good when those at the wheel have at least a smidge of morals. But they dont. They cut their employees back as far as they can, cut bonuses for them yet give each other multi-million dollar bonuses each year. That is wrong, unethical and immoral. So long as they dont report bonuses as pay empenditures they can hide the real cost of business to their stockholders. Whom are in large majority NOT even the employees or other hourly workers.

Rabbit, considering we are the wealthiest nation and hadnt had the amount of outsourcing that we do currently, I imagine that we will soon join the ranks of the second world nations. Extreme wealth and poverty. Nothing in between.
I agree with PepiPony. We will have a nation of "Extreme wealth and poverty. Nothing in between." I worry about the future for the kids that are being born now and even for my niece who is 27 years old.

The future is not as bright as it was when I was young (not that really old now).

I don't agree that we will live in a nation of extreme wealth or extreme poverty and nothing in between. I am in-between and so are most of us. None of us better claim poverty if we own a horse -- which is an extremely luxurious non-necessity. And, personally, I do feel the future is bright in the economic sense. I am better off now than I was 10 years ago, and 5 years ago, and I think that is true for many if not most people.
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Jill, its not like that for the majority. Watch the news, listen to how people are talking. Hear what the blue collar workers are saying. Jobs are going away at an alarming rate. Dont know what Fox type news reports, dont watch them as they have lost touch with reality, but many other outlets and people are stating the same. Just because you may not see it where you are, doesnt mean its not happening elsewhere. My sis , in N.E , thought I was nuts for saying that a few years back, but now she is seeing it.

Cracks me up when some Politicians/media speak of the stock market. They point to how its doing and then say that Americans are doing well. Thats like saying Tiffany's had a great year so everyone is doing great
I'm not going by what the news tells me but by what I see around me. Granted, I live in a fairly affluent part of the country but it is also part of my job as a financial planner / money manager to have a feel and of course an opinion on the economy. I do not see the future being grim at all. The stock market IS one indication of the nation's economic condition.
Ya unemployment is way down, inflation is very low, the stock market is in new territory never before explored. We got a new Outback Steak house just a few months ago. And every night it is Standing room only. Gesh if this was such a bad economy I sure don't see around here. My friends just Expanded their Vending business JUST THIS Month~! And Their Business DEPENDS ON what other businesses are doing~!! And adding new workers~! And this has been happening over the past 2 years. And the place where I worked just got through building their FOURTH edition on ~! And now they are working in it also.

And as far as companies going over seas, Well that company I worked for Ships 100% of their Product Directly OVER SEAS~! 100% of what they make is sipped to the mid eastern block of countries. AND that is not all the parts they make are made from Stainless steel, WHICH BTW is Imported form Japan 100% of it. SO IF there was ANY Company that had the excuse in moving that one would. BUT NOPE they have 4 manufacturing Plants in 3 States Thank You Very Much~!
my husband is in construction and manages a drywall company. housing starts are WAY DOWN. and used houses arent selling. We took a huge loss on our farm in illinois to move to ohio. Theres no doubt its a buyers market right now. Just ask anyone that has had to sell a house in the midwest in the last two years if the economy is good. His business is way off from sales 3 years ago. They arent forcasting a rebound until 2008. We have a huge builder here that cant sell any of his new houses and rumor has it is going under this year. he had to give way too many discounts to get people in the new houses he built.

i always look to construction and real estate as an indication of the economy

am i better off this year compared to last year?? nooooooooo!!! all bonuses have been cut for 2007 at my husbands work due to down sales.

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