I remember when I was in for In-Vitro, trying to have Molly. We had three weeks of "Therapy" about what CAN happen, what to do with Multiples ( reduce), What to do with the extra Embryos, etc......AND the doctor told me, point blank, that they would ONLY put in 4 embryos. The rest would be frozen for future use, or donation or whatever. That was 15 years ago too. I guess things have changed.I also remember there was a group of us doing it at the same time so we all sort of knew each other and were on the same schedule. We all went up for the ultrasound to find out how many we had that implanted. (We already knew we were preggers.) Everyone was in one big room and we went in an exam room for the U-Sound.......I could tell as couples came out what they had for numbers...........BY the looks on the men's faces...............
LUCKILY we only had one ( I had three second term miscarriages before Molly, with twins each time, so I was thrilled!)
I think that the couple started the show just to make ends meet in the beginning, but it has grown out of control...I also remember, early on, that she was a real BITCH to him, and wicked controlling with the children. I am MOTHER OF THE YEAR compared to her!
They seem to have plenty of cash now, but that will run out real fast if they keep up with all this motorcycle buying and HUGE homes and vacations.....
Are we SURE they're divorcing?
BTW...it's Cruella deVille...believe me with a name like DRUCILLA, I know!