Just curious how many here breed for TINY???

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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East Central Wisconsin
I would like to make a list of websites of those of you who breed for TINY! I know there is the smallest horse group and I looked through everyones sites, finding most also breed for medium-tall mini's too so I want to limit this list to people who breed specifically for under 30" !!!

If you have a stallion and mares specifically for a program of under 30" but also a program for taller, please just specify that you do have a 30" and under program and still list your website!

Also if you have a stallion 26" or smaller for sale...i'm still looking! =)

I hope this works well!
[SIZE=14pt]Steff, glad you made the decision you did.... want to remind you that two under 30s can still produce bigger than they are . I had a mare that was out of a 32 inch stallion and a 31.5 inch mare that maxed out at 36! I was in total shock but it does sometimes happen.[/SIZE]

We breed for quality and happen to have probably the largest herd of the tiniest horses that I know of. We currently have seventy-seven 30" and under horses. I don't actually breed for the smallest, but for the best conformation that I can put together on the smallest horses. The rest of our herd, which currently numbers 251 are over 30", with only four being over 34", I think.


I don't breed just for tiny, but our primary stallion is a 30" Dippers Duffy son who consistently downsizes. He has had several World Top Ten offspring in the 28" & Under.

Here 12 mares and 2 stallion under 30

All their background is 28 and under.

I collect the small horses they are my toys.

All four of my current entires are 28" and under- I did not actually plan it that way it just happened- I do like small but I will go (and I think most would agree) for conformation first, size second and colour last of all.
Steff--with my new 27 1/2" stallion i will be breeding for small ones in a couple of years. we still have the appy program with BHM the Shaman and i also have my 32" stallion. jennifer :saludando:
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Thanks everyone!

And yes by the way, I do mean SMALL but PROPORTIONATE as well =) Thanks! Please post your websites if it is ok for me to add them to the list!
Please post your websites if it is ok for me to add them to the list!

I have just bought Rowdy that in the future should be my downsizing stallion, hope he stays under 30"

Which I believe he will at 16.5" at birth and 7 months now only 25"

I am breeding for tiny ones, also confirmation & colour.

Welcome to use my web site:

I'm a tiny lover too and have 3 stallions.....2 at 28" and 1 at 29 1/2". Our mares range from 27 1/4" to 32 3/4" . My preference is under 31".

However, I am not breeding anymore, just enjoy the 13 I have and have a few I will sell to good homes.

Been in miniatures since 1986. The little ones are my favorites for sure. They melt your heart.

Joyce L
I dont breed for a specific size. I breed for nice correct horses
I do seem to get some tiny ones without trying to. Our newest baxters code red I suspect will mature at 29". Also have a 2.5 yr old 29" mare here.
We breed for conformation first and then size. We try to produce and prefer the 30" and under. Our stallions are 28.25" and 28.50". Our mares range from 28" to 32.75" with most in the 29" to 31" range. We have been raising mini's since 1985 and still prefer the smaller ones with correct conformation.

You are welcome to post our website it is www.abcfarm.net
We are trying to have all under 32 inches

2 studs are under 30, the third stud 32.5 - but he throws colour every time, and beautiful conformation.

I'll sacrifice an inch or two, for guaranteed colour.
My friend, Bobby Lambert breeds specifically for the 30 and unders. You won't find a mare on his place taller than 30" (and I'd be surprised if you found one over 29"). His stallions are all 30 and under. The tallest stallion I know of that he has is 29".

He's got a son of NFC Hussler's Star that's 29", a 28.25" grandson of Bond Dynamo, a 28.50" grandson of Buckeroo, and a 28.75 stallion named Kobecks Sir Galahad.

Many of his mares are Komokos Chief Running Brave daughters. You'll find heavy concentrations of Komokos, Orion, Brewers, and Kobecks in his herd. He also has RSB, Lucky Four, and he just recently sold a son of Egyptian King while retaining some of his offspring.

Bobby is a really good man to talk to and he pays very close attention to the size of his horses. He is determind (and well on his way) to produce horses under 30" without any sacrifice to conformation.

You can see his horses at www.bandblminiatures.com

Here is one of his foals from this year that he recently sold. I love the way this colt carried himself.


Here's a little colt from this year that so far he is retianing....


Here's a couple of his stallions....

Chupps Buck Easy ShowBoy (28.50")


CCMF Gold Squared ( yearling on the junior stallion team) (son of Lucky Four Links Goldstrike)


Kobecks Sir Galahad (28.75")


And one more herd-sire is his little stallion, Brewers Major Dealer (28.25")

I have a 26" stallion - he's for sale too
I don't breed just tiny ones but all sizes.

C Spots Mini Horses


Squiter and Ben at the 2005 Equine Affair.

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Hi All,

I guess we aren't that new to minis anymore, but I am new to posting on this board. I've been lurking for a few years, but just started posting. :bgrin

We are specifically interested in the smaller, under 30", horses and it's a challenge to find them with very good conformation! We've bought 3 stallions, each smaller than the last, trying to get just the right one and I think we've finally done it! He's 27.5", great conformation and a Sids Husker son (and now a National Top Ten - 5th). We just love him - he's in my avatar. We do have 3 mares that are over 30" but they are very nice with great pedigrees so we're going to keep them. Our website is still under construction and should be finished by the end of October, but here is the address: www.starridgeacres.com We have a total of 13 minis currently, with 10 being under 30".

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I think you'll find that most people who are trying to breed the smaller minis, DO have taller ones too....simply because breeding two under 30" minis does not guarantee you'll get an under 30" offspring!

Occassionally we get a baby that we REALLY like, and keep for our herd, that is going to be taller than 30". That is why I (and I'm sure some others) have taller ones as well.

This also works the other way.....many over 30" minis produce tiny under 30 inchers!

Our main herd sire for many years was Hemlock Brooks CockRobin, who was 33", and sired some gorgeous under 30" offspring for us, out of 32 - 34" mares. Nickelodeon was one of those!

Now, we have Mustardseed Legionaire's Destiny, who is 27". We are expecting his first foals for us in the spring....out of some under 30" mares & over 30" ones as well. We really prefer the tiny ones, under 30"....but love all our minis, no matter what the size!

Here is Destiny with our "new girl" who is a 32.5" 4Gs LK Alfalfa Pleasure (Hawk) daughter.


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We have a young stallion who is 24.5" as a yearling so I'm pretty sure he'll stay under. You can see him on our website www.wellspringminifarm.com His name is Wellspring Catch Me If You Can. Nice and refined, would sure be a downsizer. His dam is under 30" and has had no problem foaling. Bred her to a 31" stallion and this year she produced a little 12" filly with 4.5 cannons. I breed small and "medium".
[SIZE=14pt]Steff, glad you made the decision you did.... want to remind you that two under 30s can still produce bigger than they are . I had a mare that was out of a 32 inch stallion and a 31.5 inch mare that maxed out at 36! I was in total shock but it does sometimes happen.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Then there are these....bred for tall, but end up small. 35.5" dam, 36.5" sire, Flying A's In The Spotlight, mature at 31.5"
: (now owned by Dream Weaver Farm)[/SIZE]


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