Besides all my minis, I have several other horses. Other than my husband's Clydesdale, the tallest is 14.1 (and the smallest adult non minis is 12.2). Half a dozen of them are my other "main" breed, Icleandics. My first Icey foal is due soon, mare is bagging up, can't wait!
Besides horses, I also have mini donkeys, they're so cute
As for the non-equines, I have a llama, just because they're cute. I take him for walks sometimes

Living with him (and the donkeys) are 2 goats, a little Nigerian and a HUUUUUUUGE Nubian. Also 4 sheep, 3 of which are triplets their mom rejected, so we bottle raised them. The fourth was bottle raised by his previous owner. They're all just pets. One of the triplets is a girl, but the rest of the sheep and both goats are fixed boys. Other than the Nigi, they're all friendly and love attention.
Also outside are 4 guinea fowl, 4 turkeys, one (so far) peacock (a young hen), and a lot of chickens and ducks. My silkies and frizzles stay cooped up for safety, but everyone else free ranges during the day. I love watching them
To guard all my critters is our LGD, a Great Pyrenese. Also living outside, because he refuses to EVER come inside, is a mini aussie. And we have another large dog (Leonberger mix) who lives outside (her choice) in good weather, but comes inside when it's too warm for her liking.
Inside we have a lot of cats... I'd love to find homes for most of them (we have rehomed some), because they are stuck in a large room, as some of my dogs kill cats
And there are the rest of the dogs. Mostly Mini Aussies, which we used to breed, and some border collies. I do agility with 4 of them (1 BC and 3 Mini Aussies), and several others have done agility in the past, or have at least some agility training. We love it
I'd share pics, but I'm at work, so I can't.