I haven't posted in quite a while, but had to chime in on this one...
I'm expecting my first, due August 30th. Just hit 38 weeks on Sunday. The baby is still in breech position, so it is likely that I will have to have a c-section. Doc attempted an external version last Monday and was unsuccessful...I couldn't believe that the little begger didn't budge an inch! I've been doing plenty of tilting exercises, playing music into my waistband, and even tried moxibustion, but no turning. This baby is happy where it is, trying to burrow its head up under my ribs. We don't know whether it's a boy or a girl, but we're definitely ready to welcome him/her to the family!
I've been having one heck of a time with all this hot, humid weather lately, and can't wait to lose some of this water I'm retaining. The tops of my feet are so swollen that they jiggle when I walk, and have been dubbed the "Flintstone feet."
I've been having braxton-hicks regularly since 26 weeks, and had a hospital visit at 32 weeks when they got so frequent that my midwife was worried I was going into labor. I'll be so glad to be done with these contractions! I've been trying to take it easy for the past several weeks to keep them slowed down, but after hitting 38 weeks yesterday I decided it is time to get the show on the road, and walked fencelines/moved temporary fence for our cows for an hour or so. No labor yet, but I did have some changes tonight that are encouraging!
I just had a photographer friend come out last weekend and take some pregnancy shots for me, and got some great ones of the minis sniffing some flowers on my belly. Very cute!
I meet with the doc on Tuesday to schedule my cesarian for sometime early next week, provided I don't go into labor before then. Wish me luck!