Just for us getting a little OLD

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
Maybe this has been posted before, but we where too young.

What are your signs?

I have my front door sometimes open to keep my house heated :eek:

I find wearing light tops in the winter and sweater near by. On and off / On and off

Heat turned down & than turned UP.

Moody, and sometimes depressed, cry easily.

Anyone else got some questions, most doctors are men, and they just think they know.

Now I have a question?

I get dizzy laying down at night not just getting up, can this also be menopause?

Feels like the room is spinning. No not too much too drink.........

Share your symptoms or ask some questions?
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My husband is freezing -- we keep the temp set at 60 - I get overheated if it is any higher in the winter. I wear shorts and go barefoot (sometimes wear sox) with a tshirt - he is in longjohns, sweats and even a jacket some times. The dogs are with me - their winter coats make them too hot if we raise the thermostat - but the cats are cold and get under the covers.

Moody, yes -- and of course METABOLISM changed YET AGAIN - so now on a barely eat anything to lose weight - if I eat a real meal I gain. You would think that being a walking furnace would make you CONSUME calories - not store them up!!!!!!! :lol:

HAIR -- losing hair most everywhere I used to have it
: and gaining hair where it never was before - YUKKKK :ugh:

Dry skin - skin seems much dryer now - need lots of lotions and bath oils to keep from itching.

Sleep - what is that? between going to the bathroom and hot flashes and tossing and turning - I know I am not getting near enough sleep -- and of course the cats waking me up for petting or breakfast does not help either (yes I could throw them out of the bedroom, but they are my backup alarm clocks). :bgrin

Memory -- only thing shorter than my short term memory is a second on the clock :new_shocked: I have to keep copious notes -- and can never never remember where that "safe place I used to store that important item" may be -- out in the open is a possibility as if I put something away I NEVER find it again. I have to take notes to remember where my notes are! :stupid:

Does it get any better than this? I won't do hormone replacement -- so will just live with it - at least that other nuisance has stopped

I look forward to all the other postings I hope to see on this thread.


PS check with your doctor about the dizzy ness (can't spell that) -- might be low blood pressure and something to watch out for.
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I've actually been having symptoms of early menopause for a while now, and I'll only be 30 this month. I have the hot/cold flashes and mood swings, but mainly night sweats. I have to keep my house pretty chilly at night, just so I won't wake up soaking wet, and it still doesn't help much. But during the day I crank up the heat because I'm so cold. If this is a glimpse of my future as a woman, I don't know how much longer I can stand it :eek:

JJay, you reminded me about my memory, LOL. I remind people of Dory on Finding Nemo because I "can't remember diddly, can't remember squat". I remember the stupid stuff, but not something important. I'd probably forget to feed the kids if they didn't remind me.
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at 45 i have hot flashes but 99% of the time they are only in the early morning just before i have to get up. my short term memory has also gone to h*ll in a handbasket! (however i can still sing along with the songs they played when i was a teen LOL). i have also had that dizziness at laying down that was described, but only a few times and not for a while now, so it may have been something else. and weight gain - GEEZ! i don't even want to talk about THAT!

unfortunately my "other thing" has NOT gone away, in fact it has gotten much worse. so before all those other symptoms start it had better LEAVE! (currently jumping through insurance company hoops, trying everything and anything else first, so that they will authorize a hysterectomy!)
I started this mess at 41. Had to tell the doc to run the test because he just couldn't believe at that age I had started menopause. Came back positive and he profusely apologized to me. I got a new doctor. Hot flashes, night sweats, no sleeping, etc. been through it all and now at 48 it has stopped. No period for an entire year now and my hot flashes are down tremendously. So I guess 7th year is a charm. Husband still wraps himself in all the blankets and I have a sheet, but it's not nearly as bad as a year ago and memory, well I forgot :new_shocked:
Shortymisty I envy you --- this all started 12 years ago --- nothing is over about it.

Hot flashes were intensified starting in Nov of last year. But those don't really bother me --- just hubby!


Have been paying attention to ads on tv -- "permanent hair removal" -- and "problems going too much??" :new_shocked:

And losing hair from THOSE places - I had no idea!!
It's been 5 months since that other thing. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

I have been lucky so far, it just sputtered a bit and then nothing. Sure hope I haven't jinxed myself by saying that! :new_shocked:

I flash when I am out in public, like in a store. Get red faced, and sweat like crazy. We keep our house cold, I don't heat my bedroom, I have a feather bed and down comforter and can cover and uncover as needed. It was 11 one night when I was feeding, and I sweated! I guess I can't complain, can I?

Maybe I am like my Mom was, she came into my room one day, threw her box of 'supplies' at me and sang, "I don't need these anymore!" She never seemed to have symptoms.....

Oh, the crying, moodiness, nastyness, short term memory loss, more crying. hmmm, forgot to mention those! :no: :bgrin
*sigh* the things mother never told me about :ugh: :eek:
Here's a good one, did you know your feet keep growing? Mom never told me that one! :eek:
Here's a good one, did you know your feet keep growing? Mom never told me that one! :eek:
NOOOOOO!!! At this rate, I'll look like Ronald McDonald before I die :new_shocked:
NOOOOOO!!! At this rate, I'll look like Ronald McDonald before I die :new_shocked:

Oh Steph that made me laugh out loud.

Yes, lost of short term memory I thought that was because of my fall, and about loosing our thing, after a year came bck just for a day to remind me, and gone again now.. :lol:

Also have notice more loss of hair. It took me till I was 52 before most of these things have happened.
Oh you gals really crack me up!
: Been there and done all that and from here on in it is nothing but down hill....do notice that gravity seems to be a little stronger , along with the other things.
: Sometimes I think I should stand on my head to get everything in its right place! Really, I think my memory is pretty good now that I am all done with the menapause thing...just keep reminding myself that I have to work on it! Good luck gals. Mary
I'm 45 and for about the last year I have had those crazy night sweats. The funny thing is that it's always at 2:30am. I could set a clock by it!! Actually, I think the sweats are more tolerable than the bone chilling cold that follows about 1/2 an hour later. Until now I've usually run a little hot, but I noticed this winter I have been chilly in the house even though we haven't changed the thermostat.

I haven't noticed any hair issues, changes with 'that other thing', or growing feet. Oh boy, just more fun to look forward to!

At age 47, both my sister Janie and I have all of the above and more....
: and I guess that I will never be the size 5 that I was for most of my adult life...
: SOOO, with that said, I guess I will just keep on
: :lol: and
: and :risa8: and :538: and remembering to keep the :new_2gunsfiring_v1: locked up...

Remember, we are not getting OLDER we are getting better...


Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Well at 57 the changes that began for me in late 30's are finally mostly over except for the facial hair that keeps me at it all the time. I had a hard time with depression without even knowing that that was what was causing it until a counselor mentioned it. I had been period free for a year when my daughter got married and the night of her rehearsal dinner it came back for 3 days with a vengence so dont count on it being gone forever. Nerves can bring it back. Since then which was 13 years ago nothing. But still do occasionally have night sweats and the non sleeping thing well I just sleep at all hours instead of a straight 8 hours I sleep in a 5hour 1 hour 2 hour pattern still eventually get 8 most nights but never all in a row. And of course there is the weight gain but I have fought that with all I have. There are two things that bring consolation. 1st I can always get a job. Fat bearded lady for a circus and 2nd since most of my body parts have moved south its not unreasonable for me to continue to look at properties in a warm climate so that I might join the rest of me. LOL Actually I think a positive mental outlook is the biggest boost in dealing with all of this without replacement therapy.
There's good news and bad news. :bgrin

The hair doesn't grow back -- but, you do save some $ on razor blades. Gravity keeps tugging and thinner hair is difficult to keep stylish. If you stay active the weight normally stabilizes and you are able to do most anything you want -- DO exercise and also stretch ones for flexibility. Sleep becomes very important and hard to get. NO makeup looks good anymore. OK, save some more $.

You memory strays more than a dog looking for a mate. Try to make a HABIT of where you put your keys, etc. Use notes for your routine and written documentation/reminders...like the months bills to pay & when etc. Don't worry, at some point you will remember WHY you went into "that room" just found yourself wandering through. Going anywhere? Make a list of what you need to take, wear, when, etc. while you are thinking about the "event".....I even get everything together the night before for speed and completeness.

Ginko Biloba has help me clear my head each morning. While I haven't tried it, many have reported that the soy products help many as it has a plant estrogen which similates our own. Estroven, etc. I think. Take a really good vitamin/mineral pill. Your body needs it.

At 31 I had a hysterectomy.....shortly had surgical menopause.....used synthetic hormone patch for about 2 months, mostly flashes. All was then fine and about my 47-50ish age bracket, I had the "real" one. How's TWO sound to you?? This time the mood swings, memory, and all that stuff reared it's ugly head. OK, patches again for about 6 months and then things leveled out with moods and off the hormones I went.

So now I can't remember YOUR name but, your horse's is no issue
: I have a calendar and each week I look to see what is coming up, each evening review what I'm doing the next day. :eek: Having a job that requires me to be in a different location every day doesn't help -- or does it? LOL at least I have an "excuse" about why I can't remember some things. OH, and "time" is an issue. Yep, sun up and sun down -- it'll take me as long as it takes to do "whatever" I can remember to do.
: I just turned 61 this month -- and all I remember well is that NEXT year Uncle Sam will begin sending me a nice check each month. :aktion033: :bgrin

I actually feel great and my health is wonderful!
Well.........this sure has been interesting......... :lol:

I just turned 50 last October and for the past year menopause started hitting me with a vengance. Night Sweats, Hot Flashes, Short Term Memory Loss, Irritable/Moody, Periods skipping a month (or two) at a time, weight gain, hair loss, and always feeling tired!

Didn't realize that the "M" Club was so big on here!

I am always hot, have not had a coat on in about 10 years day or night.

Well maybe a sweatshirt once in awhile. (Remember no snow here.)

I hate being in a mall and the times I do go in one I am soaked before I come out.

Hair, well lets just say I am on first name basis with my electrolisis lady.

Memory gee whiz I can't read a book anymore if their are to many people in it because I forgot whos who.

As for dizzy sometimes I feel a bit unbalanced but I think its from all the weight I have gained.

I have had virgo in the past and when I would lay down the room would spin so bad.

That lasted for months and it was not just when I lay down it would happen when I got up or turned over in bed or even look up.

Had to do with my inner ear. I think I have had that about 3 times in my life.

Oh and I am 51 and have beed done with "it" for 3 or 4 years I guess.
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Yup, all of it sounds familiar or it would if I could remember. I can tell you what the doctor told me when I asked about standing on my head to get stuff to go back where it used to be. He said "It would just slap you in the face and when you got back upright, it would hurt when it fell."

Ain't it fun getting old?


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