Just got back from my son's Drs. appt.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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NW PA/ Ohio Border
Hi all, just wanted to do an update. His doctor is extremely upset about what happened. This is the third time this week that he knows of that she has wrongly diagnosed a patient.
He told me to file a complaint with the hosptial and he was too.. He was also very upset that the pains he was having was said to be a tummy ache. He has a large amt of blood in his urine and his creatone(sp) level is really high!
He said he has a bad UTI, but is also sending it out for culture. He is on another antibotic, and if this doesn't help, he will be put on IV antibotics.
He said she should have done a urine sample on him last night. He kept all of his discharge papers and said that there would be no way that anyone should be sent home with that discharge..So needless to say my gut feeling was right, and I am so blessed that nothing happened to my son. It is just so sad that people have to deal with this kind of neglectful heath care.

Thanks again for listening..


Ok, I am going to pass out on the sofa until my hubby gets home.. The tooth picks just are not working
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[SIZE=12pt]WOW, how horrible
I've been blessed to have mostly very good ER experiences and the local hospital rocks, so we are very lucky.[/SIZE]
Hey Jodie,

I am sorry to here about jamie ,make sure he drinks a decent amount of cranberry juice if you can not get him to drink the juice buy him the pills they will greatly help his uti...Dad gets them all the time.. It is very sad to see how many er docs just want to push a patient through and dont really care to find out what is the real cause I have had to stand up and fight for my dad many times...And sometimes you dont get anything done unless you get down right rude and ignorant I dont like being like that at all but when it comes to the health of a loved one I will do whatever it takes and have ...I have even had an elderly lady come to me in the er to help stand up for her husband that they wanted to put on morphine told her there was nothing they could do for him ,She signed permission slips for me to help and guess what he had a uti that he would have died from if not given I.V antibiotics he presented the same way as my dad so I kinda knew from taking care of dad ..plus being a cna for the last eight years helps also...It just saddens me to know that alot of docs push patients and they dont care ..It is sad to think how many ppl have passed because of ppl that just dont care and dont have anyone to advocate for them..Hope Jamie has a speedy recovery Uti"s are nothing to play with ..
Go mom Go!! We Moms know our kids and when something is wrong, no matter what a dr says!! She should have paid more attention to the signs he was showing and you were telling her about!

I'm glad you pushed to have him seen by his reg dr and you were right about the UTI. Those can be horrible. My daughter once ran a 104 fever with one! Scared the holy Crud out of me!!

Cranberry juice and water to clear him up..

Give him yogurt or buy acidopholis at the store cause he is probably gonna get a yeast infection. Yes boys can get them too. Antibiotics will cause the yeast infection...

Acidopholis usually comes in capsules so you can open them up and put in say applesauce so he wont know its there...

hope he peps up quick and is feeling better..
I am glad to hear that everything will be alright.

Has anyone else had a bad ER experience?

I had a bad ER experience when my daughter was young (18months). She was not using her right arm and would hold it up to me saying owey mommy owey. I took er to the ER and asked the doctor to check her arm and get xrays. He held up a lollypoop for her to see and she reached for it with her bad arm. He told me that I was an hysterical mom, that she did not need an xray and to go home.

The next morning I was zipping her jacket up and bumped her collar bone. She dropped to the ground screaming. I went right back to the ER and unfortunatly the same doctor was on. He looked at me and told me to go home. I told him I was not leaving till an xray was done of her collar bone. They did the xray and you could tell he was doing it just to get rid of me. Well, he looked at the xrays and said to me. There may be a "slight" fracture of her collar bone, so he put a brace on and sent me home.

A few days later I was feeling her collar and noticed a really big lump, so I called my doctor and brought her in. He did an xray and then showed it to me. "Slight" fracture my butt!! The poor kid had a spiral fracture that went 1/2 way around her collar bone. Even I could see it in the xrays. (The er doctor did not let me see the xrays taken in the er).

Never did figure out how she managed to break it, but she is now 32 and just fine.
ER's are a good place to avoid if at all possible. My experience wasn't as potentially dangerous as your son's but I suppose could have been had something more serious been wrong with me. I dislocated a couple of fingers (leading yearlings
), of course on the weekend, went to ER where they did xrays, told me to "wait right here" - like I was going somewhere - and an HOUR later when I finished my book and looked out to see what was going on they realized someone had put my chart down on the way back from xray and forgotten about me....inexcusable in my book. Had I been in serious pain (and not been in the middle of a good book) I would have made noise much sooner. The nurse apologized, but it was more like haha we forgot you were in there.

[SIZE=14pt]So glad you and the DR. are filing a report..... Mom's Always know their kids best!!!! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]I know when my daughter ended up being life-flighted to Children's Mercy over a Dr. that didn't want to listen to me. My daughter was very ill after having chemo, and spiked a fever, the childrenss hospital sent us home with Antibiotic kits, and instructions to take with you to the ER, and at the ER they are suppose to take blood and put them in the culture bottles before giving the Antibiotics.....This Dr. looked at me and threw my kit in the trash.....I WAS LIVID.....I made my hubby go out on our cell phone and call Children's Mercy and talked to our on call nurse & Onocologist that in turn had called the ER we where at...... This Dr. still did not want to listen to what they where telling him to do, so Children's Mercy sent a helicopter(life flight ) to pick my daughter up........Talk about livid, I know the nurse with my onocologist said they have NEVER had any ER ever do something like that, and not only did I file reports, our onocologist and his nurse did as well since they had talked to the ER nurse and DR.....now the ER nurse was nice, she was trying to do everything she could, but she couldn't do anything really without the dr.s orders! IT was a nightmare that night![/SIZE]
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We have had many bad ER dealings.... most of the time there was very few people needing to be seen.

When DS was young.. he was very ill for a couple of days.. I knew it was his appendix... got to the ER and was told nothing was wrong with him and to go home because I was over reacting.. they did not even look at him. He had a fever of 104 and not really awake.

Was lucky I took him to the local Doc because they were still open and he just about had a fit. That hour DH drove him to the ER at Children's hospital (different ER than the first) and he had am emergancy Appendix surgery.... had a tiny rupture.

Then hubby... and me...but you all know what went on with those.

Had the first postive encounter at St John's with the major Meneire's attack couple of weeks back. The ER Doc and nurse where women (had all men before) and both had family members with bad Menieres too.

Do not trust any of their male Doc's but that woman Doc really did care... sure does not happen often.

Glad you were able to get good help for your son and hope he heals fast!
I've been on both sides.......

When I put a splinter (and I mean BIG splinter) of wood through the side of my knee - on Easter Sunday no less - the ER doc was awesome (my Mom, who used to work in that ER and had worked with that Dr, was amazed!). We weren't in there too long, maybe 1 hour tops. They removed the splinter and all the dirt and crud they could, packed it and sent me home with drugs...and they were busy, especially being a holiday. It was a really good experience.

My second was when Anoki & I parted ways, and my riding coach & mom took me in. It was during the week, and I think we were in there for about 2 1/2 hours. Finally got an xray taken, to which they said nothing was wrong (but they only took an xray of my knee, not the part of my leg that was in PAIN). The Dr said, well there still could be a fracture but I can't tell...we'll send it to be looked at by a radiologist (which they always do), but won't know results for a week. AND since I didn't have a Dr at the time, no one followed up (ok, I can understand that a bit, because WHO would follow up if there is no one to send the results to.....but still). Then I went for an appointment with this Dr a few weeks later (she had openings for patients, and she was the only one accepting new patients at the time), and she told me to keep staying off it......I had been to physio in the mean time, and had been doing exercises and stuff that were actually helping...so I kept up with the physio and ignored the Dr.

When I got hit head on...the front of my car was pushed into the front compartment and smoking and I could see the other driver screaming for help. I could barely see and thought it was gonna catch fire(the airbag set off a ton of smokey stuff) anyway first to arrive was the fire dept. with a kid they were training and as they got us both out and loaded into the same ambulance it was so crowded that the kid set the O2 bottle on the foot that was crushed (screamed and a few choice words) then after he was asked by EMT to move he lost his balance and fell onto the same leg !$#^&***!OOOOWW. Then we had to take the driver that hit me to the hospital HE wanted to go to...drop him off then go to my hospital. I laid on a gurney for over three hours without anything for pain because they had several traumas going on at the same time. If it had not been for the trauma doc that came on at shift change (I worked for him at one time) I would have laid there even longer. As they wheeled me up to surgery the nurse that was moving my gurney asked a resident to help her unload me from the elevator and he got P.O.d at her and grabbed the gurney and shoved it out of his way and said he didn't have time...my foot again caught the edge of the elevetor...again cussing a blue streak...intense pain....needless to say a letter was sent to the administrator of that hospital and my hubby really raised a ruckus!
I was raised to treat others like YOU want to be treated and was just floored at the poor care and total lack of compassion. Some doctors have that GOD mentality
It is very sading to read that so many others have had bad experiences with the ER. That is the reason we go to the ER, we are having a medical Emergency. Then to be ignored or wrongly treated, it is just so uncalled for.. I have been counting my blessings that nothing happened to my son with no thanks to that dr..

I just got off the phone with the hospital representive. She is filing a formal complaint and this dr will be brought up infront of the board of directors for a hearing/review..She was very upset with her treatment of Jamie. I was told that the heaering would be in the next 2 wks and that I would get a letter after that. Then, she advised me that if we were getting a lawyer, that we should do so soon, and give the lawyer her name. We've talked about it, and not sure about the lawyer thing. We aren't money hungry, and we don't want any money as nothing happened to Jamie. But in a way we have been thinking, just so she can't do this to someone else and if it were to happen again, how do we not know that the outcome of the patient would be the same. So we don't know what we should do. I know it makes me angry to hear of all those people sueing places just to get money, but that is not the point we want to make.

Also the hosp. rep was not happy about his lower pain not getting looked into, and hearing that he had a large amount of blood in his urine. The dr should have ran a urine sample, the rep said..She said if there was nothing found, that all the bother would have been just having him pee in a cup for no reason, instead he did have a problem and it wasn't addressed.. I can tell she was very upset and she did aplogize for the hosp.. So I guess we are still not sure what to do. But one thing I did make a point to say was that if we had to again and that dr was there, she WOULD NOT TOUCH any of us again..Our family dr said he would meet me there if I had to go again with Jamie, at least this way no one would judge him on his speech and that he WOULD recieve the treatment he needs. And, as I pointed out, we do have insurance--as of right now(Hubby came home with news that his work place may be shutting down soon
..) So payment for the treatment was never an issue..But she did treat us like we meant nothing and that in my book was not anywhere accpetable!!

Just wanted to give an update.. And Jamie isn't feeling all that great today, the pain in his back isn't getting better.. I pray that he doesn't end up in the hosptial on IV therapy..

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