Celtic Hill Farm
Well-Known Member
I think this is more of a vent, I know i haven't been on here in a while. My big horse has been in training with a trainer for the past month so i have been working with the donkeys. Just longing them in the round pen. But they don't walk or trot with out being hit with the whip, which i don't like
Ive tried different strategies and everything and nothing seems to work. And this is the problem i have always had with them, since day one. Part of me think's it's 'me' and another part thinks it's them. Are they not cut out to be anything but pets? I want at least one of them to drive, Aura physically can't handle it. Leia is just Leia. I really don't have the time or effort to put into two animals that i can't do anything with. Im going off to collage next year, im staying close to home but i just won't have the time, and any time i have will be put into Fee. Is it fair to them to just keep them as pets? Could they be better off being sold/adopted to someone who just wants pets? I have so much going though my head right now i can't figure it all out.
*sigh* ~Ian

*sigh* ~Ian