Just thought I would....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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I am sitting here and it's 20 ater 9. The windows are open and the fans are on. It's 70 degrees outside. We had the AC on last night

Yea, well, I've still got some ugly little scars from where the no-see-ums bit the snot out of my arms and legs during my six month stay in Florider...

... but it's a chilly 40* here now in Preskitt and I'm thinking just maybe they don't bite as bad in the winter?!
Well, it's only 61 here, now, but earlier today it was a beautiful 75 degrees.
The funny thing is my dad has a fireplace in his house next door. I think it's been used once in 3 years. Unfortunately it may be very nice temp wise and there's no shoveling snow, but the bugs seem to never leave, flies, mosquitos, etc.

We just got in not too long ago from town where they had all the fire trucks lining up for a parade, lit up with all kinds of glittery Christmas lights, had the radio in the truck going with Christmas music, snow on the ground...it cold and crisp...but not windy...so it was a very pleasant and Christmassy evening. Somehow for me it would'nt feel like the holidays if were any warmer. Now ask me again in February!
Thanks Amanda, you can keep that hot weather all to yourself. I prefer mine cold! It is still too hot here for my taste. today it was 40 when I left this morning and got to a high of 61, yuckers! Too hot!

I went up to Reno a couple weeks ago and it was 21degrees when we left the hotel in the morning, i was in pure heaven!

I am still looking for a cooler climate that I can get hubby to agree to, just doesn't seem to be happening though.
I'd be heading for the Seatle/Tacoma area if I had my way about it.
Yeah.....Yeah....Yeah......And you guys get lots of bugs too!

This morning it was MINUS 3 ....and warmed up to a wonderful 40 degrees F.

We actually got some work done around the place in comfort!

I think it's in the teens here tonight. My windows are closed
I'm one of those crazy people though who loves winter weather, the kind we get in VA! We've got a little snow on the ground and I just love it.
I really miss the days when I lived in Florida with the exception of one thing....Palmetto bugs!!!!!!
okay maybe two things, not a big fan of fire ants either! Learned all about them the hard way!
Eighteen degrees here, lol! I'm one of those people that love the different seasons though, and I love snow. And I HATE BUGS! So, sorry, I'm not at all envious; but like Sterling said, I may change my mind by February, ROFLOL!!

(too much of a good thing!)
[SIZE=14pt]27 degrees here in Richmond a bit south if Jill..... Im Commin Amanda..... Im commin'/ Howie got his health certificate Friday....we are ready for two weeks from then..... like 12 days from now.... If things dont improve weather wise he will surely need a bath when he gets to Florida![/SIZE]

I'm NOT one of those people who like cold weather!
I know it could be worse, but it's still too cold here for my taste. Suppose to be around 45 today, but wind is making it colder. I used to live in California and absolutely LOVED it! 'Course that was before the other 50 billion people moved there

Think I would like to move to Texas.??

Well, we always want what we don't have, right? I have been outside today in the beautiful sunny southern CA weather (and we don't have bugs here, by the way) and when I come inside and see the football game my husband is watching (Buffalo, NY) I am so envious of the snow. It's really coming down there and it looks so beautiful.
Now see, today is nice. It is in the mid fifties and there is a slight chilling breeze, perfect. Not too cold to funtcion but cold enough that the air feels clean. Don't forget, there are places in Arizona and TExas that not only get snow, but very very cold temperatures too! Flagstaff just to name one. Gorgeous area, but cold!
It's cold enough for me. I can't seem to keep warm. I don't like it when you are so cold you can feel it in your bones. That said I can't imagine not living in VA.

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