Lady k minis I'm back, Zeyna next & 3 more, Bree *colt 5/1, LaLa Foaled Filly 3/16, Rhapsy colt 3/26

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Ok so pic is not that great but didn't have extra hands today sooooo this is it for



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Sending prayers for a safe foaling Liz. Come on Lala!
Sorry guys its 3:15 am and cams not working, idk why but there's an issue and I have Emil's, texts, and opened ticket to figure out why
I guess it's going to be a long morning for ill let you know when it's back up.......thanks
Ok cam back up, plan I was on doesn't exist anymore so at the end of my month the cams were turned off, but thanks to heather I'm back up and running oh and LaLa behaved perfectly while I was I'm going to bed....
Update LaLa packing alittle bit more today and she really looking pointed in the butt, tail pretty loose here's a am pic LaLa is now 325 days.......I don't think she will be going as long as her last pregnancy

Ill post pm pics if there is a change

Sorry I'm about to get storms if cam goes down please call so I can try to bring them back up......thanks,

Cold and storms= LaLa prob going to
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I can see cams, Happy 1 & 2, maybe no little ladies in 3 & 4 yet!? So La La is first up? I am looking forward to watching in the evenings as much as I can!!
1.30am and Lala down and snoozing quietly. Hope those storms have passed now Liz.

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