Lady k minis I'm back, Zeyna next & 3 more, Bree *colt 5/1, LaLa Foaled Filly 3/16, Rhapsy colt 3/26

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2.35am and hoovering - this mare has absolute stillness down to a fine art, I'm always convinced that the cam must have frozen!

Sorry to hear about your daughter Liz - hope it all goes well for her.
I see her mouth moving as she stands in one place grazing her stall. Boy, she looks ready to go!
Looks like Rhaps was doing a bit of pacing, but I think she was really looking for dinner!

She sure continues to look ready -- dropped, forward of center, but baby seems to still be a bit 'wide'. LOL
Sooo, guess there's been a change at MareStare? I need to become a member to view the mares that are streaming thru them now?

Good Luck with this foal - I'm looking forward to seeing it! I'm guessing the surgery for your daughter turned out fine, since you are already back on...
Just looked in on your girls. Rhapsy looks content munching on her hay!! Hope she has a safe delivery and a healthy foal! Maybe I will get lucky and catch her foaling!!!!
What is flehming?? She keeps yawning and looking at her side??? I will watch as long as I can stay awake......anyone else watching this little mare????
just called as you all were walking in......praying for her to have a safe delivery, back to watching, how exciting!!!!!!!!
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COLT!!!!! yahoo!! Congratulations to all of you!!! I am so happy I was watching tonight!!!
Noooooooo glad u caught it tho

I signed up this morning & when I went to sign in to the camera it wouldn't recognize my username. Could be cause im on the other side of the world and records haven't been updated yet??

Is he a cutie ?? What colour ??? Hanging to see some pics
Hard to tell what color he is but very light color like his Momma!!! I have to say Jackie, Liz whoever is in there it is so amazing to watch all of you help deliever this foal!!!!! I know you all have done this many times but you all are so calm and gentle with the mare giving her space with her colt but at the same time doing whatever is necessary!!!!! My hat is off to all of you!!!!! I hope to catch you all in action again soon, thanks for letting us Aunties be part of your exciting times!!!
I was laying in bed watching and dozed off for only a little bit when I woke up he was trying to stand. Happy that he arrived safely! Huge congratulations on a beautiful, healthy, foal!
Oh he's gorgeous - what a 'sparky' looking little fella! Many congrats Liz - and well done Rhaps (at last!!)

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