Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if anyone has heard from Leonie (I forget her member name) from Australia. I just realised that I hadn't seen any of her posts for a while...
Ooohh, that's right. I hope so, tooMatt -- I think Leonie uses the nickname "Maplegum". I hope she's doing well and will post. Jill
She posted today on the main forum, she has a new mini, a rescue...Ooohh, that's right. I hope so, too
I will be visiting New Zealand and Australia from March 23 to April 11 on a group tour with classmates from 1957.I am hoping to see a few Minis and meet some Forum members on my trip.I am SO EXCITED!!! This trip has been on my Bucket list and now it is going to happen.I never thought I would be able to get away for 3 weeks and leave my babies, but my significant other of 26 years has agreed to take care of the critters.I have several seniors 1 is 24 yrs old with Cushings,22& healthy, 21 with Cushings, 19 with cushings, 20 with rectal melanoma,2 healthy geldings in the teens, and 2 Mini boarders who are just babies-only 6 or so.I know he will take good care of all, but I will still be anxious.I can hardly wait til March.I have been concerned about people and animals down under with all the reports of heavy rains and severe flooding as reported in our news here.Praying all are safe.I'm here! That's really nice of you to be thinking of me.
I've been popping in here from time to time, I just got busy I guess. I have recently got my motorcycle licence so hubby and I have been off traveling around.
Bailey and Willow are doing great and I have a rescue pony too, you can read all about him on the main forum. Bailey was on TV recently and I won a whole pile of prizes for the effort!
I must get the camera out this weekend and show you guys how fat and happy they are, and still very naughty!
I have missed so much not being around here, I have lots of catching up to do!
xox Leonie xox