I'm new here but I figured I'd play along. I already posted my picture in another section but here is a nice one of my son & I at Hacklebarney State Park.
I will play! I usually hate revealing my age as I feel people take me less seriously, but I think most know by now, so what the heck (p.s.-my mother and I are both older than we look!)
Just for a little background: My grandparents and I own the 40+ minis. My great grandmother also owns a couple-she is the one that got our family into the miniatures so they've been with us for a long time! She just turned 91 and she stills loves going for walks with the horses. Her and my grandparents are some of the wisest people I know and always seem to have the answers.
This is me on one of the rare 'makeup' days-and obviously in the dead of winter so I've lost ALL skin pigmentation ha!
My grandfather and me-very typical, we're always goofy
My mother and uncle-they're also very involved with the horses and are the best at giving outside opinions when needed
I won't post pictures of my grandmother and great grandmother because they never let me take pictures. They love the forum though and I often ask them for insight on various threads.
I have no recent pics of me online......here is the only recent one that I could find-taken April 2010 at my very first herding trial, with one of my herding brats, Delilah.
Everyone looks wonderful! It's so nice to have faces to put with the names.
Here are a couple pics of Mo and me from our wedding this summer...
This first picture, my hand is partially up because despite distributing bubbles someone in my family still found something to pelt us with after the ceremony. Mo's little smirk there is because it hit me and not him. How sweet is that?
And this is a more sedate (aka: very tired) one of us at the reception:
There are far more incriminating pictures of us from later in the night, but we're pretty well behaved at horse functions, so no need to spoil the facade.